The Citizen Lobbyist is my first book. It was published just more - TopicsExpress


The Citizen Lobbyist is my first book. It was published just more than a year ago by Pitchstone Publishing. Barnes & Noble put it on its shelves nationwide and online at bn and there are audio, Kindle, and paperback versions available at Amazon This nonfiction book was a labor of love. It is a short how-to about how the regular person can lobby for what she believes in to her elected officials. It is about empowering citizens to take back their government. This past year has been amazing. Thanks to the book, I have had the opportunity to meet so many people, go places I never would have before, and expand my public policy advocacy. When Kurt Volkan, my publisher, first suggested I write the book--I demurred. After all, I was nobody--why would anyone want to publish anything I had to say? But I was intrigued by the idea--and flattered that someone else thought my ideas were worthy of wider distribution. So after battling several months of almost crushing anxiety and self-doubt, I just started writing. And I did it. And I added Doctor Who references for fun. And I was terrified no one would like it. And I asked someone I admired to write the forward, and Barry Lynn did. He even said that the book was good. :p Everything I write exposes part of myself to to others. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time, but the book has shown even more of who I am and what I stand for. I swore when I finished The Citizen Lobbyist I would never write another book. I lied. I am already working on my second.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:53:32 +0000

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