The City Council could have voted to pass the resolution offered - TopicsExpress


The City Council could have voted to pass the resolution offered by The Honorable Breanna Lungo-Koehn, and passed $1 million dollars of savings on to the taxpayers of Medford who have seen increases in their property taxes for nearly 30 years in a row. This idea that government knows better how to spend our money is preposterous. And, what is the track record of Medford spending? Do we have a full police force for a city our size? Nope. Do we need a new police station because the current facility is antiquated, to put it mildly. yes. How about those water pipes and tiered rate increases coming our way, Medford? Add that property tax to the gas tax, excise tax, meals tax, income tax, sales tax, and the litany of other taxes and you have the highest, per capita, taxed state in all of the USA. We are always being told oh, next time we will do this or that.... Well? Next time is NOW!!! Governor Patrick has either not increased or actually decreased aid to cities and towns. To hear Councilor Knight scare people into believing Medford needs to add to an already $7 million dollar SURPLUS because Governor Elect Charlie Baker is going to come in and make cuts is also preposterous. Governor Elect Charlie Baker ran on one plank that called to INCREASE aid to cities and towns. The citizens of Medford and Massachusetts need to see a surplus in their bank accounts. The citizens of Medford know how to spend their money better than BIG GOVERNMENT. Tax cuts. Tax cuts. Tax cuts. Not next time. NOW!!! Full disclosure: I am running for City Council in 2015 and I will be fighting for smaller government so you, the Medford resident, keeps more of the money you work hard for because right now its largely being mis-spent unless you think $150 Gs a year for the Mayor is good spending. Or, 30 Gs per year to the City Councilors. Or, 100s of Gs per year to city officials. Not to mention health insurance packages and bloated pension plans. This is NOT complaining. It is illuminating the terrain we find ourselves deployed on. We have to do better, Medford. Next time, is now. In the 2013 municipal elections, some 19,000 registered voters did not come out to vote. When one actually pays attention to government actions, or lack thereof, its no wonder many have given up and just dont vote any more. I am addressing the 19,000: I am the candidate your vote has been waiting for. Please come out and vote in 2015 for Robert Cappucci for Medford City Council. More to come. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:05:50 +0000

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