The City of Rolla Animal Control is starting to receive calls on - TopicsExpress


The City of Rolla Animal Control is starting to receive calls on nuisance pigeons. These pigeons are opportunistic and persistent birds. Once they pick a place they like, they tend to return year after year. Continuous visitation by these nuisance birds can end up causing damage to property not to mention, a copious amount of droppings that they leave behind. They seem to nest everywhere, roofs, signs, under eaves, ledges, etc. However, it is possible to bird-proof these areas but it may take several attempts to repel these unwanted visitors. Unfortunately, the City of Rolla Animal Control does not have a simple answer on how to repel these birds. In addition, we do not really respond to pigeon calls except if a couple of them happen to get inside your home or business. In this case, Animal Control would respond to attempt to capture them or try to direct them towards an open window. A few ideas that may help in discouraging pigeons from roosting or nesting: (1) Seal all openings, such as under eaves, holes, in signs, etc so they are unable to get in. (2) Hang reflective tape that flashes different colors when reflected by the sun around areas where pigeons may frequently hang out. Even old CD discs may work in discouraging them. (3) Place bird netting over roof tops using some sort of post at the corners. Some bird netting is light in color and hard to see so that it isnt obvious. The netting will have to cover the entire area that you are trying to protect and surround it so that pigeons cant get underneath. (4) Try placing an ultrasonic noise maker in the area to frighten the birds away. Some of these devices actually mimic the pigeons distress call and warn other pigeons not to land there. (5) A Falcon is the pigeons natural enemy, they also sell some noise making devices which sound like a Falcon which may work well. Also, the internet has many other bird/pigeon deterrents available. Some are inexpensive and others are more expensive. You may have to try several things before finding the right one. Being as persistent as the pigeons is the key. -703
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:46:55 +0000

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