The Clean Energy Council, the peak body representing Australia’s - TopicsExpress


The Clean Energy Council, the peak body representing Australia’s clean energy developers, has warned that paring back the RET to a “real” 20% would reduce the amount of new large-scale renewable energy built by 64%. New large-scale solar and wind projects have reportedly been imperilled by uncertainty over the RET. The Clean Energy Council has warned that more than 18,000 jobs and $14.5bn in investment will be lost if the RET is scrapped. It is understood that Tony Abbott is in favour of dismantling the RET scheme entirely, while Hunt wants it pared back. Warburton’s review of the RET was delivered to the government last week, but has still not been publicly released. Hunt said the government, unlike the previous Labor administration, was focused on “long-term stability” in the renewable energy industry. The Coalition wants to axe both the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation – the government’s two main clean energy bodies. The government has also reversed its pledged support for the $500m One Million Solar Roofs program by completely gutting its budget. theguardian/world/2014/aug/22/greg-hunt-clashes-with-solar-council-ceo-over-marginal-seat-campaign
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:33:17 +0000

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