The Clintons own major stock in NBC, CBS, MSNNC, CNBC and all of - TopicsExpress


The Clintons own major stock in NBC, CBS, MSNNC, CNBC and all of their subsidiaries . Clintons daughter and Husband are both employed at NBC. Under Article 1 section. 5 of the constitution the Clintons did the investigation on Obama. The Clintons knew at all times that Obama was never qualified and all of his past was procured by connivances, frauds, perjuries. Bill Ayers the convicted terrorist who tried to blow up the Pentagon and killed a cop was pardoned by Bill Clinton. Bill Ayers and Obama were both Organizers and fundraisers and their expertise lay in voter fraud and documents fraud. When Obama would not concede the democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton it was the Clintons who exposed Obamas fraudulent birth certificated, fraudulent social security card, fraudulent draft card, Obamas three akas, Barry Sotero, welfare fraud, Michelles disbarment and Obamas criminal and fraudulent past. The white and black population wanted change from corruption. Obama while campaigning was being investigated concerning his education and numerous frauds, perjuries, tampering with educational documents, tampering with legal documents, etc., etc. Obamas past was fraudulently manufactured to perpetrate the biggest hoax and fraud in the United States. Obama the traitor fraud was protected by the communist media. The Clintons will always resume their career in politics because they are afraid of being exposed and prosecuted losing the billions or maybe even trillions they have stolen in the looting of our countrys fortune. Obama and other presidents, federal court judges, federal agencies and corrupted members of congress and in the White House are all afraid of being exposed and prosecuted and convicted. Obama the frauds new campaign is extorting money from companies that pay millions in taxes and have offshore accounts. We the people instead of making the corrupted I.R.S. look into these companies off shore accounts, we should be looking into the accounts of these corrupted politicians and audited all politicians without a statute of limitations including and not limited to the federal court judges that protect them. This country has become a sewer of political corruption. Obama the traitor frauds transparency and change went out the window, when Obamas attorneys advised him to seal all of his fraudulent records or be removed, prosecuted and convicted. Obama, Eric Holder, Jarred, Rice and the Clintons are protected by the race card and the media the only change in this country during this terroristic reign of terror are the blatant violations of law, violations of our constitution, violations of our immigration laws, numerous massacres, numerous acts of treason, stand down orders, violations of American Sovereignty and the funding of our enemies! Our country by and through this illegitimate terroristic regime is in allegiance to the terrorists, Muslim Brotherhood, drug cartels in essence our enemies. Obama the traitor fraud and his illegitimate reign of terror funded ISIS or ISIL and its mid term election so this traitor fraud will act like hes against the same enemy he sponsors. One too many Massacres, one too many Stand Down Orders, one too many acts of treason to be coincidental during Obamas criminal reign of terror. Above all one too many Human sacrifices by this illegitimate reign of terror. Obama claimed he killed Bin Laden - Bin Laden was dying or already dead and everyone in that seal team unit have ironically perished. Obama the traitor fraud is sending in 1500 hundred Green Beret to annihilate ISIS the same terrorist he funded to annihilate 50,000 Christians in Syria and the same terrorist that killed ambassador Stevens and our Navy Seal Team. Obama the traitor fraud and his terroristic reign of terror will make sure after the mid term elections he gives the coordinates of our green beret on the ground and will resume in full force and effect the destruction of the United States. Obama the traitor fraud and his illegitimate terroristic reign of terror are the enemy and will continue to loot, reek havoc and destroy the very foundation of America by whatever means it takes. Joseph Christian Henry Ardito
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:17:34 +0000

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