The Cold Blade At the drop of a hat, the dagger pierce through - TopicsExpress


The Cold Blade At the drop of a hat, the dagger pierce through Yangchen’s chest; she felt the icy-coldness of the blade deep inside her heart. It was so surreal an experience; Yangchen can’t believe it was happening to her. Her warm blood profusely oozed out of her chest –Yangchen knew she was dying. She prayed to god for forgiveness and accepted her fate. Then in the midst of chaos, she heard a distinct sound of her alarm clock going off, “T-ring…T-ring….” As Yangchen opened her eyes, her face was drench with sweats, and her heart was beating hard against her delicate chest –it was a horrible nightmare. Yangchen sat on her bed, with her heart still throbbing fast; she put her two palms together, closed her eyes and silently prayed for few minutes. Then, she took a couple of deep breaths, which calmed her heart down, and she went about with her daily life. For seven consecutive days, Yangchen was being tortured by the same recurring nightmare, and for a good reason; she was in the hiding. She was hiding from her boyfriend, who tried to kill her; fortunately she managed to evade him, and she was hiding from him in her uncle’s place. She had no peace of mind and lived constantly in fear, and worse thing was that she can’t lodge a formal complaint with police, as her boyfriend was the head of the local police. Yangchen couldnt dare to take a single step out of the main door, fearing his colleagues might spot her; she avoided police like a common criminal. The trouble began few weeks ago, when his boyfriend, Sonam, saw Yangchen embracing a stranger outside a local conventional store. He was driving his police truck, and caught glimpsed of her in an embrace of another man; anger got better of him, and he tried to run both of the down, but they managed to dash to safety in a nick of time. The man fled, but Yangchen stayed backed to confront him, and it was one of the greatest mistake of her life. “Sonam, what got into you? Are you trying to kill us?” she screamed her lung out to him, but Sonam didnt verbally responded to her, and took out a seven inch traditional dragger out to the glove compartment. Witnessing Sonam unsheathing the dagger in anger, Yangchen got terrified, and she hid herself in the thick hedge behind the store. It was a horrible 45 minutes of her life, and the mosquitoes was making meal out of her. In the bush she silently sat there covering her mouth to avoid making a noise, “Yangchen, come out you cheating whore. I will plunge this danger into your cruel heart,” he yelled like a psychopath for several minutes, searching for her. Then, he went away, looking for her in another location; taking this an opening, she stealthily sneaked out, and managed to safely reach to her uncle’s house. One day, while she was doing laundry in the backyard, she felt an icy-cold in her chest, and before she could react she was stabbed from the back. There she lied dying, and Sonam was relishing his sweat revenge on her, “die you cheating whore” he roared to her. “Sonam, I… didnt.. cheat you. He… is my.. brother,” Yangchen said while coughing out a large amount of blood from her mouth. Her words instantly reduced him to tears, and he knew this was a single greatest mistake of his life. Before Yangchen took her last breath in Sonam’s arm “I..” she said, gently touching his face with her bloody fingers, and then her hand went limb and crashed hard on the concrete floor. “No….please don’t die” “I…am..sorry…” Sonam jerked Yangchens lifeless body. “T-ring… T-ring…” went off the alarm once again, and it was 7am in the morning, and Yangchen woke up from her bed; her heart beating hard on her delicate chest. “What a nightmare,” Yangchen sighted as she wiped-off her sweaty face.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 11:45:58 +0000

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