The Conclusion This woman is showing you who she is and what she - TopicsExpress


The Conclusion This woman is showing you who she is and what she likes and to each his own. There is absolutely nothing erroneous with a woman that thinks with this mentality and enjoys this life style. However there is something wrong with being in a relationship with her if this is not acceptable behavior or your idea of a lady. Keep in mind that not every woman is for every man. What one man may find as a treasure could be another man’s trash. The good thing about this woman is she is not hiding who she is or how she likes to spend her time from you. There are many men who unfortunately don’t have a clue who they are in a relationship with until they have in some cases married the woman or have children with her. Regrettably, many men feel that they have been bamboozled, and that the woman that they are now very much involved with has run-a-muck. However, sleeping beauty has not deceived you because her actions are showing you exactly who she is and if any of the following qualities are mandatory for the woman that you are in a relationship with this may not be a good match: 1. If you consider your time important and appreciate a telephone call if someone is going to be late or the plans have changed, then she is not the woman for you. This woman has already proven herself to be very spontaneous, unpredictable, and can be either very inconsiderate of your time or lacks time management skills. 2. If you are the jealous type, with trust issues then these are two character defects that you someday soon need to address because they’re deal breakers in most relationships. However you will never make it with a woman that loves to be the center of attention of this magnitude and it is not likely that she will change. Trying to change her may not be an easy task or one that she may even consider. The way she owned the room that made her irresistible to you, may not continue to be as attractive when she is your woman and you are sharing her with the room. 3. If you are the type that enjoys spending the evening at home with your companion you may have a problem with a woman that enjoys frequently hanging out in clubs with her girlfriends. This may not be the woman for you. Don’t try to wife her until the two of you can come to some type of agreement on this one. Some women enjoy this life style and consider partying to be what makes them happy. Few women that think with this mentality are willing to give up a night out on the town with the girls to spend a quiet evening at home with you. Therefore this relationship could definitely suffer from irreconcilable differences. 4. If you have any issues with your mate being the life of the party and feel that this type of behavior when a woman is at a social gathering is not acceptable, be mindful that this may be a very important part of how she communicates and who she is. Proceed forward into a relationship with her only if it is possible to meet her somewhere in the middle. 5. If it is mandatory that your woman sometimes prepare a nice meal, then keep in mind that this is a woman that told you that she doesn’t like to cook. Don’t get I don’t like to cook mixed up with I seldom cook or I don’t have time to cook. Very few people who don’t like to cook prepare great meals. 6. If you consider it to be in appropriate for your woman to dress publicly in a provocative manner, perhaps you should consider this before you start a relationship with someone that adheres to this dress code. Never let anyone change your morals or principals if you are not in total agreement because your belief system is who you are and you will never find yourself happy living with someone else if you are in disagreement with yourself. Therefore if you believe that certain parts of your woman’s body should be for your eyes only have a conversation about what you consider appropriate before making any type of relationship commitment. Some women are willing to tone it down, when they are in a committed relationship. However many women today work very hard on their appearance because they like it. Some women identify themselves with what they wear and how they wear it. Take heed because when a woman suffers from an identity crisis because she is unhappy with her appearance you will be the first to know and possibly the first to go! If you are not interested in a relationship with a woman that likes to flaunt her body parts in public and she does not feel that this is inappropriate behavior then this may not be a good relationship for you. If you try to change her it could later lead to resentment because you would be denying her the privilege of being herself. Face it she is who she is, and perhaps who she is may not be for you! Well it is the moment of truth, so be honest with yourself. Possibly this woman will make a great friend for a rainy day, but if you answered yes to any of the above questions then there is a good chance that it is not raining hard enough yet. Give yourself permission to believe that you are worthy to give love and to receive love. True love should never violate your standard of living. Love yourself enough to prefer to be alone then to be unhappy with someone else. Gentlemen, if you are not interested in a Lady of the night then perhaps you should start day dreaming. The woman of your dreams is probably not home sleep during the day, after partying all night. The woman that you desire can perhaps be found somewhere in her own natural habitat, without the illusion that is often created by many people in the club. There are countless willing, available beautiful women that are constantly overlooked during the daytime. Many women are doing things without the need for eight inch heels, dim lights, loud music and plenty of free drinks. The woman of your dreams may be sitting in the car next to you at the red light, or getting water splashed on her as you speed pass her on a rainy day, while she is waiting on the bus stop! There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Lady of the night. However if she is not what you want, then perhaps you should take this very distinct character trait into the upmost consideration before attempting to start a relationship with a woman that appears to be the life of the party. If you are sick and tired of getting your hair cut, stop hanging out at the Barber Shop! Never try to change a woman that loves being the life of the party into a house wife unless she is open to the life style change. Keep in mind that this woman was in the club when you met her and may not want to spend a lot time in the kitchen. By no means am I referring to the woman that just happened to be spending girl’s night out on the town. The ladies that I am referring to have a frequent flier pass at the club and the club is her only idea of a good time. If this is who she is and what she does, then to change her would be like taking the air out of a tire. I don’t think anyone enjoys a flat, do they? Author Tamara Neal Author Tamara Neal
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 22:15:36 +0000

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