The Confession of a Communist I was a white paper when I was - TopicsExpress


The Confession of a Communist I was a white paper when I was born, I wanted to play worry-lessly when I was a little kid, I wished to learn music while I was a curious child, I dreamed to date the boy I had crush on after became I a teenager, I hope to study philosophy before I turned into a promising college student. For a long time I planned to walk around the world and work in the fields I like, And I used disgust dirty politicians for always telling lies and fight for power. I have also done many things wrong and hurt others for being selfish and weak, But I still crave to marry a man who really cares about me inside my lonely heart. But I labeled myself as a ‘’Communist’’ in the end, Because I could not play happily for I had to finish everyday a huge pile of homework, I did not learn music because my parents worked hard but still could not afford it, I dared not to date anyone in school because I could end up as a blue collar worker, I abandoned philosophy as university major because I would not earn big money from it. Now I decide to go back homeland where my government is seen as evil in the western world, I am also sharpening my head to become one of the politicians to change the world. I have been punished by myself and life for the sins I have done and paid my debt, And from time to time I broke up with lovers who were selfish, dream-less, foolishly numb or even religious. I promise I did not ask for too much, I really only wanted a happy simple life with the one that I love. But the life is so hard and cruel, It kept telling me that in this world your life actually depends on pure luck. I thought everything would just be fine when I was a frog in the well in my country, Only to find out so many things are wrong after I lived in many capitalism countries. I did not write this poem for you to know me well, This confession is to you because I know you are the same as me deep in your heart. You work so you belong to the working class thus you are a worker, No matter how much you have now, you can only have more in a Communism world. For you have ten, I have eight, a blue collar worker has five and a jobless has two, But you can not see that a big capitalist has a million and we can share all of those, If there are no private possession of production materials and exploitation any more. I have written this confession with my eyes wild open now, I have chosen my way and am prepared for the price I have to pay later. I really do not know what else I can do other than talking to you, Only hoping you could take a look at yourself and decide to go one sleeping or wake up. You do not need to become a communist or label yourself, But if you have the same experience and feelings as me, Please vote for communism/socialism party in your country, You will change the world upside down with your own hand too.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 11:44:27 +0000

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