The Congressional Hearing Initiative (CHI) is Launched (PLEASE - TopicsExpress


The Congressional Hearing Initiative (CHI) is Launched (PLEASE SHARE) “Paradigm Research Group once again calls upon the administration of President Barack Obama to engage the leadership of the military services and the national security structures to essentially work out the details to conduct a formal acknowledgement to the American people of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.” ~Lobbyist Stephen Bassett Twitter/SteveBassett @SteveBassett Five hundred thirty-nine video copies of the full record of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD) will be shipped to all members of the United States Congress. Shortly after these 10-DVD sets are received, PRGs registered lobbyist, Stephen Bassett, will renew direct engagement of the U. S. Congress for the first time since 2000 seeking new congressional hearings on extraterrestrial related phenomena. This will be a concentrated three-month effort accompanied by substantial media coverage. If congressional hearings are held, it is quite likely the truth embargo will collapse. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure DVDs are on their way to the U. S. House and Senate. Whether or not this video record is reviewed by any of the 10,000 staffers who serve the 538 congressional olffices in large measure depends upon how many tweets, emails and Facebook posts are sent to Capitol Hill over the coming days. Its time to make it rain. You are the critical component in this strategy. Click on the above graphic to find all the information you need to post tweets, emails, and Facebook messages to most or all of the House and Senate Members. Make it clear you want these DVDs reviewed and you want Congressional Hearings for military/agency/witnesses ready to testify under oath regarding events and evidence confirming an extraterrestrial presence. ------------------------------------------------------ *Sample Tweets* to use. Use the Hashtag #Disclosure I reside in Baltimore & want your staff to review the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure DVDs just received. We want hearings. #Disclosure Senator, this constituent wants immediate congressional hearings for military/agency/political witnesses re: ET reality. #Disclosure Your just received a 10-DVD record of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. Please meet w/ PRG lobbyist Stephen Bassett re: same. #Disclosure Rep. Smith, please meet w/ PRG lobbyist Stephen Bassett re: the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and the need for hearings. #Disclosure Senator, please review the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure DVDs, meet with Stephen Bassett & call for immediate hearings. Thanks. #Disclosure Im from Carson City & its long past time for new congressional hearings re: massive evidence for an extraterrestrial presence. #Disclosure Rep. Jones, scores of military/agency/political witnesses of rank & station are ready to testify under oath re: an ET presence. #Disclosure Mr. Bassett of Paradigm Research Group will contact you re: new hearings on extraterrestrial phenomena. Please meet with him. #Disclosure Its been 45 years since Congress held a hearing on extraterrestrial phenomena. The evidence is now massive. Hold new hearings. #Disclosure Senator, review the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure DVDs, meet w/ Stephen Bassett, hold new hearings immediately. #Disclosure There are scores of military/agency/political witnesses ready to testify re: an ET presence engaging our world. Pls. hearings now. #Disclosure ----------------------------------------------------------- The website is: List of U.S. Senators Facebook and Twitter pages: Here is a list of U.S. Senators Facebook and Twitter pages. govsm/w/Senate List of U.S. House of Representatives Facebook and Twitter pages: govsm/w/House Video Link: https://youtube/watch?v=B1R_jq7Kjg8&
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 17:30:39 +0000

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