The Congressional Progressive Caucus Better Off Budget The CPC - TopicsExpress


The Congressional Progressive Caucus Better Off Budget The CPC Better Off Budget translates progressive values into a national budget that puts people to work, invests in our infrastructure and economy to drive our future prosperity, assists and provides greater opportunity for the less fortunate, protects our environment, drives down future budget deficits and demonstrates how a progressive approach actually addresses and fixes a number of our pressing national problems. Here are some of the things this budget would do for the country if passed: The CPC Better Off Budget increases employment by 4.6 million jobs in 2015 - 9 million by 2017 - and boosts gross domestic product (GDP) by 3.8 percent. The CPC Better Off Budget increases taxes on the wealthiest by restoring Clinton tax rates for households making over $250,000 and implements new brackets for those making over $1 million. The CPC Better Off Budget cuts out corporate tax loopholes that encourage companies to move jobs out of the country. The CPC Better Off Budget ends subsidies provided to oil, gas and coal companies. The CPC Better Off Budget enacts a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) on various financial market transactions to protect markets from excessive speculation and rigged high-speed trading. The CPC Better Off Budget adds a public option and expanding payment reforms to Obamacare, and allows states to transition to single-payer health care systems. The CPC Better Off Budget addresses the climate change crisis by enacting a price on carbon pollution while holding low-income families harmless - meaning paying back what they are taxed. The CPC Better Off Budget restores food stamp - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - benefits and restores unemployment insurance. The CPC Better Off Budget creates jobs in our building and construction industries with funds to repair and modernize roads, bridges, water and other infrastructure. The CPC Better Off Budget includes a direct-hire Public Works and Education program that will hire physicians, students, construction and community workers, and an education program boost to hire more teachers and improve schools. The CPC Better Off Budget enhances federal programs targeted at creating equity and improving outcomes for women, people of color, and their families. The CPC Better Off Budget provides assistance to states to allow them to hire and rehire public employees such as police, firefighters and health care workers. The CPC Better Off Budget invests in clean and renewable energy, which creates middle-class jobs, boosts the economy, and cuts pollution. But wait, theres more! The CPC Better Off Budget implements comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship. The CPC Better Off Budget funds public financing of campaigns to curb special interest influence in politics. The CPC Better Off Budget endorses Scrapping the Cap - it would require high-income individuals to contribute payroll taxes at the same rate as people earning less than $100,000 a year - and expanding Social Security benefits separately from the federal budget process.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 21:34:16 +0000

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