The Conservatives spend tens of millions of dollars of your money - TopicsExpress


The Conservatives spend tens of millions of dollars of your money each year on partisan advertising -- selling Canadians a very tall tale. Here are actual facts you will never see in one of those Conservative Economic Action Plan ads this coming fall and beyond -- usually during a hockey game. • Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits. • Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression. • Under Stephen Harper, household debt has exploded. The average household debt-to-income ratio (i.e., the amount of debt the average Canadian household owes for every dollar of their annual disposable income) has risen from $1.31 to $1.64 -- which is where the United States was before the housing market crashed. • A significant contributor to household debt can be traced to rising housing prices. Mr. Harpers finance minister, Jim Flaherty, helped fuel the housing bubble with his irresponsible introduction of 40-year mortgages with zero down-payment.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:21:51 +0000

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