The Constant search for the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Mystics of - TopicsExpress


The Constant search for the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Mystics of old and The Illumined 1s from The Black Nations.... There was the deliberate destruction of ancient monuments, scrolls, and records, by religious fanatics. Diocletian, in A.D. 296, burned the books of the Egyptians. Cæsar burned 700,000 Rolls at Alexandria, and Leo Isaurus 300,000 at Constantinople in the eighth century. Then came the Khazaars and the Modern Day Arabs, who destroyed the remainder of the accessible scrolls at Alexandria. Gangs of 82 fanatical Monks, Christian and Pagan, roamed over Europe destroying and defacing everything upon which they could lay their hands, as witnesses against their dogmas and superstitions. Even to-day, in India, it is difficult for Europeans to gain access to genuine ancient records. The records of these barbarities are still fresh in the minds of the guardians of sacred lore. Even with such a record for thousands of years, Ecclesiasticism is as arrogant and rampant as ever to-day. The wonder is, that there is anything left but barbarism. Two writers declare that the most ancient and valuable of the records of the Alexandrian Library were kept in "secret crypts" known only to the highest officials, and preserved still in secret crypts known only to the "Illuminati". (Now please keep in mind the illuminati spoken of in this since was not the illuminati in the present tense.Thee Original illumined 1s has descended from the Stars and produced a school that was to enlighten The Earth Man to a whole New World of thought that was centered around the settlement of these Illumined 1s also known as The Star Kings and People .... Now Elijah Muhammad also spoke of some of these secret Crypts and undrground tunnels in a Visit he had to Egipt(Khem) where in he was taken 17-23 miles deep into underground taverns housing the Old Patriarchs of Egipt,and yes these Chambers are guarded beloved Family. I remember hearing his Voice as he described with intimate details what these tunnels and tombs looked like and felt like that housed the old patriarchs....and it was was just what I needed to continue my search for the reality of secret cities beneath the Surface cities of the Blackman) Gary Mahatmas Muhammad..... continuing on.... In Baalbec and all through the East to-day these underground temples are being explored, and even the fragments found excite wonder and admiration. Ignorant Barbarians may be destructive on general principles, but fanatical Ecclesiasticism has ever been destructive of all light, knowledge and civilization, through insane hatred or pure “cussedness”! We need only to regard intelligently what it has done, and is doing for Southern Europe to-day. Can you wonder that the real science of the Human Soul found little recognition, or that it was denied as possible to man? As already shown, the Science of to-day has neither recognized nor worked up to it; and the 83 Theology of to-day covers it with fable, mystery, and miracle as of old. In spite of both these the “Philalethean Society” exists, the “Seekers after God” were never more numerous than now, and the Magnum Opus, the Great Work, was never, in the whole history of man, more in evidence than it is to-day.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 08:22:15 +0000

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