The Constitution, Bob, was DESIGNED to PROTECT and DEFEND our - TopicsExpress


The Constitution, Bob, was DESIGNED to PROTECT and DEFEND our individual wages, individual salaries, individual personal property, INDIVIDUAL Rights, States Rights, State and Popular SOVEREIGNTY from the IRS and from the Republicans and the Democrats. That is the patent definition of a Republican form of Government as documented in the supreme law of the land under Article IV Section 4. We DO NOT HAVE a representative Democracy. We have a Republican form of Government to protect each one of us and our States FROM the American voting MOB. That is the VERY PURPOSE of THE CONSTITUTION. People like you WANT our wages, salaries and property STOLEN by the IRS so that THE REPUBLICANS can buy election votes with OUR OWN LABOR, by usurping powers and spending that FAR, FAR exceeds the eighteen powers and spending limits We The People granted them under Article I Section 8, of the Constitution, pursuant to the Supremacy clause of Article VI clause 2, as well as pursuant to our Ninth and especially our TENTH Amendment laws. People are waking up every day to the TENTH Amendment CRIMINAL contempt by our elected Republican and Democrat USURPERS and despots, who descend their jackbooted alphabet soup agency tyrants of corruption and coercion, whom you so greatly support. They are little more than common thieves using our property to buy election votes from the voting MOB; exactly the thing that the Framers DESIGNED the Constitution to prevent. And, you aid and abet these treacherous TENTH Amendment Constitutional enemies. Amazing. Someday soon, perhaps when economic reality hits, hopefully before, all enemies of our Tenth Amendment law will be brought before a COMMON LAW Grand Jury for prosecution for what our elected enemies and their enablers, aiders and abettors have done to all Americans, from the yield of Ninth and TENTH Amendment criminal contempt, eviscerating our wages, our salaries, our personal property, our economy, our small businesses, our jobs, our individual Rights, our States Rights, our State and POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY, our FREEDOM and our national felicity. I find it amazing HOW HARD CONSERVATIVES FIGHT against our Tenth Amendment law, which limits Federal powers and spending to only eighteen items with all other powers and spending reserved to the States, respectively, or the people. It is self-evident that Conservatives like Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, John Boehner, Karl Rove, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and the vast majority of the Republican Party and their aiders and abettors. These Socialists and thieves of the assets of all Americans and our economy are into the manipulation and control of all Americans through coercion, oppression, forced submission, tyranny, and subjugation. These Socialists, Krony Capitalists and their enablers are no better than Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot, only they LIE a whole lot better as to their INTENT. What is going to happen when the Republicans decide the American people have to pay for the $17.7 TRILLION public debt in THEIR CONTEMPTUOUS USURPED spending they ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO UNDER THE LAW? What is going to happen when the Republicans decide that Americans are going to have to pay for the ADDITIONAL $119.8 TRILLION in UNFUNDED liabilities of Socialist Security, Medi-SCARE and the Republican FORGED Medi-SCARE Prescription Drug Program? HAVE YOU EVER DONE THE MATH ON THAT... OVER THE LONG RUN the Republicans are going to HAVE TO send in their IRS jackboots to STEAL 90% of our gross wages, salaries and property to pay for the debt that exists now ! And, the UNFUNDED liabilities are increasing at the rate of over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS per Month ! And, with every election of the Republicans the cost GOES UP EVER MORE, according to all American governmental history since the 1913 Trifecta of Tyranny and TREASON. The more Federal elections we have, the more the Republicans have to spend to buy election votes from the American voting MOB, increasing public debt and UNFUNDED liabilities. WORST OF ALL is a Flat Tax a.k.a. Broadening out the Tax Base, a.k.a. PUTTING more taxes upon the American Middle Class so the UPPER Class will not be taxed as much. EVEN WORSE THAN THAT, an Article V Balanced Budget Amendment would completely eviscerate the Tenth Amendment and make it IMPOSSIBLE for the American Middle Class to ever be FREE or prosperous ever again. And, cloaked Socialists like you, who FIGHT with all of your might against our TENTH Amendment law, in favor of robbery and thievery of our wages, salaries and property, and evisceration of our Rights, push for the destruction of the purpose and intent of our supreme law of the land. WE DO NOT HAVE, MR. DOHNAL, A REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY... According to the RULE OF LAW, it is not up to the American voting MOB, what the Federal Government can spend money on. That is up to the STATES or the people, to spend their OWN wages, salaries and property AS THEY see fit, not a group of elected usurping hoodlums in Washington D.C. This is also the reason our Founding Fathers made Income Taxes ILLEGAL unless apportioned; And, why the SCOTUS found and ruled that; The ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment confers NO NEW TAXES on anyone who wasnt taxable before it. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 17:26:19 +0000

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