The Constitutionalist We the true patriots of the United States - TopicsExpress


The Constitutionalist We the true patriots of the United States are all constitutionalists that live to preserve, protect, and guarantee the laws of democracy, our constitution, our freedoms, free elections from being undermined by corrupted politicians, corrupted federal court judges, and other corrupted federal agencies that have acted in bad faith and collusion by relying on crimes, frauds, greed, and corruption in obtaining monetary gain and criminal control over the United States. We the Constitutionalists of America have been living in a nightmare of corruption because of our representatives, prosecutors, and judges have failed to preserve and protected our constitution from Obama the criminal communist traitor fraud who rigged the elections resulting in a criminal coup de tat of America. We as constitutionalist must learn how to extract members from all parties to unite and help ensure the oaths of offices in our government are taken seriously and violations of the these oaths, violations of the constitution, acts of treason, violations of free elections, would result in expedited removal, prosecution, conviction and severe sentencing that would result in execution. We must put our differences aside and work and unite we must stop the bickering amongst one another because ambivalence creates animosity and will severe the unity. Its quite obvious that the corrupted politicians win by division. However, some of the people in our nation are mentally challenge and will never comprehend the the violations of our law because they continue to turn a blind eye inadvertently breeding the very corruption thats destroying our country. The corrupted politicians, federal court judges, and corrupted federal government agencies want to remain in power because familiarity breeds contempt, corruption, and monetary gain. These criminal misfits are exempt even from new written laws like Obamacare, because these corrupted individuals see themselves above the people, not for the people. These corrupted politicians, federal judges, and other government agencies in collusion need to protect the status quo the rigged elections to enjoy the monetary gain; the bogus government contracts; criminal bonuses exchanged for criminal deeds; so they are immune from criminal prosecution and remain in power. Obama has control of the computer generated virus voting machines owned by Chuck Hagel who became the Secretary of Defense for his criminal participation in the premeditated rigged elections. Chuck Hagels virus generated voting machines were changing Romney votes to Obama votes, these 2,000 virus voting machines were confiscated by the F.B.I. However, the corrupted Eric Holder who has also participated in the rigged elections fails to prosecute to evade his own criminal convictions. George Soross role in premeditated rigged election scheme was to secure the rigged elections by purchasing the communist company that counted the United States Presidential electoral votes in Spain to alter and manipulate the state counts, a blatant violations of free elections, and American Sovereignty. The elections in the United States must be independent from the three branches of government to ensure they are fair and impartial. The new elections must be by ballot with photo identification to evade massive voter, dead people votes, felon votes, and illegals voting from voting in our country. The United States Presidential Elections were in fact rigged beyond any reasonable doubt and has caused the coup de tat of America. We the people of the United States must comprehend that as long as we have corruption our taxes will continue to rise and our countrys fortune will continue to be embezzled, and looted to benefit the corrupted politicians, corrupted federal court judges, and other corrupted federal, state, and local government agencies in collusion. The people will eventually be enslaved by their own ignorance as their rights, constitution, and freedoms will be dismantled in the interest of the corruption. Obama the criminal communist traitor fraud and his criminal communist misfits have used every means necessary to stay in power including and not limited to bogus communist propaganda by the communist media, corrupted United States Attorney Generals Office, the rigged elections, smoke screens have been used in subterfuging their numerous premeditated criminal acts of treason that include and are not limited to the premeditated massacres and stand down orders that have caused the jihad style executions of our children, patriots and soldiers without any remorse all for monetary gain, greed, corruption, and control. Obama the criminal communist traitor fraud and his criminal communist regime must be removed, prosecuted, convicted, and executed in the interest of justice, and national security. Joseph Ardito
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:51:10 +0000

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