The Cork Harry Potter and the Hogwarts All Stars Evan – - TopicsExpress


The Cork Harry Potter and the Hogwarts All Stars Evan – Hagrid Matt – Hermione Will – Dumbledoor Gary – Neville Longbottom Gareth – harry potter Ace – malfoy Lowey- goyle Youngy – Ron weasley In a world long surpassed, where cricket was quiditch, A bat a beater, a ball a bludger and beachy was a girl… The Hogwarts all stars turned up with magic in there eyes, not so much for the rag tag group known as the durmstarng bottoms who looked like they had recruited from the wizarding pensioners association (wPa). Dumbledoor leader of the all stars won the all important wand toss by picking valleys (really he won the argument about which side was valleys and which was mountains on a round stick). Toss won and decision to fly with the wind made, Hogwarts made there way down the broom cupboard towards the pitch… Hagrid, a giant of a man with a beard to match was showing great skill with his bludger, striking consecutive runs and making it look relatively easy. He was doing all he could to relieve the pressure off his fellow team mate, a little girl by the name of Hermione. It would seem that poor little Hermione had worked herself up through the day so much that the nerves were now taking over, she swung her beater at everything but mostly missed. You could see Dumbledoor standing in as umpire, muttering away something which seemed to be a prayer that may well have been answered in the form of a rogue owl swooping down from nowhere and hitting poor Hermione square in the face. She could not continue… With his prayer answered it was now time for dumbledoor to take the reigns. And that he did. Swinging his beater, sending bludgers every which way, runs coming thick and fast between the two at the crease. Hogwarts all stars were on fire… and then Neville longbottom happened… an interesting breed of fellow, entertained by himself some would say, all ways fiddling with wands and experimenting with charms… Neville entered after dumbledoor exited with a quick thirty, then neville exited again… This brought fourth the star pupil, the great hope for wizards all over the planet, Harry Potter. He showed promise pushing the bludger to the far ends of the field. It only took one missed ball and a slight increase in breeze that some would say was caused by the wand of a wizard named malfoy, but that is another story. Malfoy had a hard time at school… he was bullied and beaten for not having any form (a type of magic deep in the blood lines of dark wizards). He had been looking all year for this so called form but couldn’t locate it. Where could it be…. Today was the day he found it. It seemed that by neglecting to go to the toilet, the urine backed up in his system caused a chain reaction that shot through his ball sack and into his muscles creating some of the most glorious cross batted strokes ever to be witnessed. Thy Shall not be teased no more he shouted as he retired from the game, holding his beater high in the air… This brought forward the mighty goyle. A boy blessed with great form, malfoy was very jealous of him… he played shots all over the ground scoring points in great succession. Unfortunately he hit a bludger sky high and was caught by a little house elf hanging out washing… Ron weasley was involved in the last play of the game. A boy torn between his average and the teams well being, he chose his average and blocked the last bludger away for one run not out… The Hogwarts all stars took to the field with magic beans in there pockets… full of pride and successfully defended a glorious total of 178…
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 01:56:47 +0000

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