The Corporate Trickle Changes in Rules and Regulations is a - TopicsExpress


The Corporate Trickle Changes in Rules and Regulations is a very real threat to Corporate America, yet not a threat to America or Americans! The reason is quite simple, Corporations fully understand what they have built, and how they built it, the Lobbying of Congress for Special Privilege and Perks, the Vast Creative Accounting, and their bevy of Legal Resources and Number Crunchers, not the quality of products theyve produced, rather the marketed image theyve produced, and the “Lions Share” of profits have been rather “Selfishly Distributed”, on purpose I might add! Many average employees have been paid well, but have they been paid appropriately, probably not(?)! The “Why” is also quite simple, “Greed” is not as great a motivating force with the average employee, and acceptance more readily satisfactory! All they want is a home, the ability to pay for it, give their families a sense of moderate Prosperity, and be able to provide sustenance and health care for themselves, not the case with “The Corporate Mind”! Their general desires are several more “Rungs Up The Ladder”, and in “Ivory Tower Land”, a world of luxury “Awaits Them”! You see, Ive been in that “Corporate World” much of my life, quite privy to its Mentality and Methods, and even quite close to that “Elite Group In The Ivory Towers”, and that is truly a “Whole Other World”! I like to refer to it as “The More Mentality”, and Im not referring to “More Quality”, “More Employee Appreciation”, or “More Equality Of Renumeration”, just “More Money” pretty much sums up “The Mentality”, and Im not really disapproving of Financial Success, rather I endorse it for those fortunate to attain it, but through Honest, Honorable, and Dedicated Effort, but thats not how “The More Mentality Works”! I the “Money Moguls” of The Industrial Age were the Primary Catalysts, but soon Hollywood developed, and “Those Moguls” took “Fantasy and Money” to a whole new level, and other Industries soon saw “What Could Be Had”! It wasnt long before Congress “Got Into The Act” either! Perhaps the breakthrough began when a terrible Movie could make a select number of people very Wealthy? The Movie loses, but someone “Wins”, and controlling who that “Someone or Group of Someones” is becomes “The Game”, kind of like what average people would call “Street Hustlers” or even “Criminals”, that was “The New Corporate Business Model”, Layers of Privilege for many, yet controlled by a “Select Few”! Gangsters even adopted the same “Business Model”, I believe they called it “The Commission”(?)! You didnt have to labor on Quality Products or Services, just New Products and Service Image, and before you knew it, Money was Making Money faster than anyone could conceive! Number Crunchers and a whole new Business Vocabulary developed, Shell Companies, Investment Groups, Off-Shore Accounts, and Creative Accounting became “The Language of The Day”! They realized people “Could Be Bought” to do whatever bidding was desired, including Law Enforcement and Our Own Congress, but only “The Gangsters of Organized Crime” were given the dubious honor of such deeds! Ah, Convenience can be such a wonderful thing! Not that I approve of Crime or Gangsters, but they were Convenient Scapegoats, everyone else was “Squeaky Clean”, especially Corporations! They just didnt Murder People, so anything else they did just had to be on “The Up and Up”(?)! Hollywood, The Medical Industry, The Insurance Industry, The Manufacturing Industry, The Religious Industry, The Charity Industry, The Energy Industry, The Banking Industry, and finally The Technological Industry and others jumped on The Bandwagon of “Easy Money” and “The Fantasy World” it could create! America was “Booming” so fantastically even “Farming” became “Corporate Farms”, and any hint some Rule or Regulation might be in “The Works” was quickly “Managed”! Even Taxation was “Managed”! Now the fastest growing and more than just “Profitable” Industry became “The Non-Profit and Tax-Exempt Industry”, a whole new “Concept”! Why risk Prosecution or Incarceration when Charity could make you Wealthy? But alas, an individual attempt such a “Concept”, and you just knew there would be “Jail Time”! But who really suffered the most? Unfortunately, The Average American, they dutifully did the work, got paid, and their money went right back to this “New Corporate Business Model” often because of another “Concept”, “Marketing”! Didnt take Corporation long to recognize “The Benefits of Marketing”, and they figured out it would be “Tax-Deductible” as well, almost like a “Bonus”! Ah Yes, The Wonders of Moguls, Ivory Towers, and Monsters! With Halloween fast approaching, kind of rather timely Month to chat about such things! We often hear of “Government Contractors”, well, they are Corporations too, and for a long time have realized The Profitability of Their Industry, and probably were Cheering during The Cold War(?), it was an “Economic War” between Governments, and the money really rolled in! Russia and China werent really “Up To Speed” on this “New Corporate Business Model”, but they are now! But we comfortably call it “Trade and Competition” now! Its still The Cold War, just more “Players”! And Corporations are fully aware of it! Any ideas about “Changing The Rules” will be met with much resistance and much money, no way do Corporations wish to be “Exposed or Held Accountable”, Past Profits and Ivory Towers are far too inviting, and besides, why leave “Fantasy-Land”? The General Public can suffer a bit more, they did well with suffering in the past(?)! Two appropriate pieces of Legislation can “Even The Playing Field”, and do justice for The General Public, a Single Tax-Rate on Gross Income for everyone with No Deductions(Federal Only)save for a reasonable Poverty Level, only Legitimate and Transparent Donations could lower your Tax Responsibility, and Strict Regulation of what a Non-Profit Organization really is! Any other Tax on Income must be A Consumer Decision! Ivory Towers, Wall Street, Religions, and “Charitable Organizations” would actually have to “Get Their Hands Dirty”, and finally “Pay Their Fair Share”, just like The General Public, who are now paying what could easily be called “Extortion”! Federal and State Governments would become smaller, Small Business would have new opportunity and the ability to compete, The Deficit would be reduced, Inflation would be reduced, Reality would be Managing Money Responsibly for all, and Social Security and Medicare would be safe for Generations to come! Corporations would be held accountable for managing their expenses, as well as The Government, and America could compete On The World Stage, and successfully! Ive talked about it before, and more than likely will again, but in many ways America is setting itself up with The Fantasy World Corporations, Government, and Organizations have created for the benefit of themselves, and only a few of their people, and whether anyone likes it or not, Reality doesnt stay away forever, and I dont really think America is ready for a significant dose of Reality, weve become quite comfortable and complacent with the Fantasy Corporations have created! Wed soon see what Corporations, The Government, The States, and Organizations could truly manage their Affairs! One Single Tax-Rate for everyone, and it would be extremely lower than what people are now paying, yet would produce more revenue, substantially more revenue! The Games would be over, People would be served, People would see Prosperity, and the words “Fairness and Equality” would have some “Bite” to them! And, a nice side-effect would be Politics would no longer be “Big Business”, Voting Our Conscience would have real meaning!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:02:42 +0000

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