The Corruption of a Perfect Creation By Peggy Toolen © September - TopicsExpress


The Corruption of a Perfect Creation By Peggy Toolen © September 2013 I wrote a book I call “The Book of Life” about a beautiful world where people loved one another so much that there was no selfish desire to be found and no selfish action at all; everyone gave, everyone shared, everyone cared for each other and everyone loved each other even more than they loved themselves. Everyone worked together to keep this beautiful world beautiful! Everyone followed the plan that I had for their lives because I am their creator and know exactly what each one was created for. There was no sorrow or sadness, no anger or jealousy, no one was rich and no one was poor, there was no hunger or gluttony, there was no sickness or pain, no pride or shame and there was no fear and best of all there was no death because everyone was created to live for eternity in this perfect beautiful world. The animals all got along and because there was no death they didn’t fight one another and didn’t eat one another. All creatures were vegetarians and there was plenty to eat for all creatures. There were no pesky insects or poisonous creatures to cause sickness and death. Even the roses had no thorns and there was no darkness at all. All my creatures were perfect; they even had a will of their own. They heard my voice and knew that my words were life to them and what was best for them to continue to live in this beautiful perfect world. One day there was one of my creatures that I created who decided he didn’t want to follow my plan for his life. He decided he was going to do things his way and his way was to take over my job as author of this book. His plan messed up my whole book. This prideful, selfish creature corrupted one of my trees with his poisonous ideas. I told my other beings that I had created and loved so much not to eat the fruit from that tree because it would kill them but the one who was taking over my book was very deceptive and convinced them that there was nothing wrong with the fruit of this tree and convinced them that nothing bad would happen if they just did anything they wanted instead of what I had planned for their lives. It was at that instant that this deceitful creature taught them selfishness. So they disobeyed me and followed their own selfish desire and ate the poisonous fruit from that tree. And this is where it all went terribly wrong. Once my creation learned selfishness and decided to do their own thing and not follow my plan any longer, my book no longer had a purpose it was now a chaotic mess. My book was no longer my book because it was not at all what I had created it to be; which was eternal life. My creation no longer listened to my voice and eventually couldn’t hear me any longer. The animals all turned on one another and began to fight and eat one another. All creatures began to be selfish and no longer shared and cared for one another, instead they hurt and killed one another to get what they wanted for themselves. They no longer loved each other more than they loved themselves. And thorns began to grow and insects spread disease and many other bad things came into my world that I had created. It was no longer the beautiful world that I had created but it was now corrupt, dark and chaotic. What could I do? I could let it go on the chaotic mess that it was or I could destroy it and start over again. But I loved my creation and didn’t want to destroy it so I made a plan to save as much of it as I could. I would let my creation follow its own plan for a while to allow them to see that their selfishness and their own plan only causes sorrow, pain, sickness, death and destruction and that only my plan could bring order, peace, health, happiness and eternal life back into their world. And as my creation would see this they would turn back to me and allow me to be the author of their lives once again. Unfortunately even if they turned back to me they still were stained with guilt and shame that couldn’t be erased they would know that someone had to pay for their mistake and they would always manage to go back to their own selfish plan. I needed a plan to redeem them from this state of shame and guilt. I needed someone to pay the price for this horrible mistake that had been made but there was no one who could do this that wasn’t already stained with guilt and shame. Each new life that came into this world followed their own selfish plan for their lives, as they learned selfishness from those who were older and already selfish and therefore the chaotic state continued on. The chaos of selfishness was passed from one generation to the next and with each new generation it became more and more corrupt and more and more selfish. So I must come into the story myself and pay the price for their mistake and cleanse them from their guilt and shame and give them a new life to start afresh and therefor following my plan of order, peace, health and happiness. So I created a body of a baby and was born into it and lived among my creation and taught them how to be caring, gentle, understanding; I taught them to love again. I taught them how to put others needs before their own. And then I died the death that was what they would have to suffer without me. I died and rose back again to my place as author of the book but I didn’t leave them alone. I sent my spirit to live in them to give them power to live the way I had originally planned for them to live. And to this very day everyone who accepts this sacrifice that I made for them as payment for their selfishness and turns away from their selfishness, they will be filled with my spirit and power to live their lives the way I had originally planned and will be saved from the death that the chaotic state of this world will eventually bring. But those who refuse to believe and accept my sacrifice for them will not receive my spirit and power in them therefore continuing in their own way which is the way of destruction. Those who do not have my spirit and power to live the way I planned for them to live will continue to be slaves to their own selfishness and will be destroyed with all the other poisonous creatures that caused death and chaos in my book. I want all of my creation to be with me for eternity but it is their decision. They can accept what I did for them and be cleansed from their guilt and shame and live an eternal life of order, peace, health and happiness with me or they can refuse to accept my gift that will save them from destruction and be blotted out from my book called “The Book of life.” There is no other book therefore they will cease to exist for eternity.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 06:13:33 +0000

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