The Cost of a Parking Space The National Main Street Center - TopicsExpress


The Cost of a Parking Space The National Main Street Center conducted a survey of Main Streets a couple years back, and found that, on average, a parking space in a traditional downtown equates to just over $400 a day in revenue for that community. Wow! Thats staggering to me! But we all know parking is the lifeblood of our businesses. Convenient parking is one of the chief reasons businesses flee downtowns for strip centers, shopping malls, and power centers - even though, more than not, we walk farther from a parking space at the big box retailer that we ever would from an available space downtown to our destination. But perception is reality, and the perception is that if the street parking on my block is full, Ill circle once, maybe twice, then Ill just choose to drive on. THAT is the reality we face in our downtowns. So why, then, do we as downtown folk take up those most precious commodities? Take money from our neighbors? Take money from ourselves? Every time we park on Main Street, we take up a space a customer could use. And every customer counts! Even if your business doesnt need the customers, you can bet your neighbors do! And imagine downtown without your neighbors. And then imagine your business being alone with closed up shops all around. And finally, imagine your business closing because there is nothing left. So next time you dont (or one of your employees doesnt) feel like walking the one block from the parking deck or town lot, imagine how little a potential customer wants to walk from there. Remember, customers have a multitude of choices. THEY dont have to be downtown . . . . Lets work together. For the sake of your business, your neighbors business, our community - lets keep street parking available for our customers. Put bucks in your pocket. Park and walk one block. Dont make the choice between your car and a customer!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:48:47 +0000

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