The Cost of a Psychic Gift I just read this great Blog post on - TopicsExpress


The Cost of a Psychic Gift I just read this great Blog post on another site and though I would share it here. Its worth its weight in gold to all you Healers/Psychics/Mediums out there who like me have probably suffered what I term "Spiritual Guilt" at some point in your work. Enjoy! "A psychic/medium, just as any other professional, needs to stay in their integrity, which means being honest in their business dealings with others. It also means to give fair value for services rendered. Energy, whether it be in the form of cash, money or a psychic reading can be exchanged. That means that both parties are rewarded for their participation. The decision is personal and decision based on the beliefs of the person. Should I, Susan, charge for my “God-given Gift”? The answer to that my friend is YES! We all charge for our time, skills, knowledge and natural ability in one way or another. Money is not one of God’s gifts. Money is man-made and is the exchange or the trade you get for your services. It’s like this -- all of us have God’s gifts -- using your brain, wiggling your toes, speaking, thinking – they are God’s gifts. I use these gifts. It is no different than using my God-given intuitive ability. You use your God-given gifts to do your job. If an intuitive in the helping field should do their work for free, then shouldn’t a worker “give” his or her paycheck back to the boss? After all weren’t they using their God-given Gifts to do their job? Of course, you should keep the money you’ve earned. A psychic or medium is not charging for the information received. We are charging for our valuable time and the expertise that we have worked long and diligently to hone, that we have suffered greatly in coming to understand and make usable. As the psychic/medium gets busier, as with any growing business, we have less time and our costs will increase. Also, as we keep working we become better and better at our “job” – more valuable. Everyone likes to get something for free and yes, it is important to freely give when you are led to do that. I bless my blessings in ways other than by giving FREE readings. I freely give of my time and energy by sharing my insights on this group as well as others. My radio show and the meditation my husband and I do weekly is free to you but not free to us. Many times I have had different jobs and careers, some of them even came with a great paycheck and gratuities for the healing work I gave as a massage therapist. I was making $4000.00 a month, more money than I had ever made before with an average of $600.00 a month extra in cash tips. No one ever said that I shouldn’t get paid for my work or that I made too much money or that I should do my work for free. Why was that I wonder? When I worked these jobs, I read mostly friends and family. I wasn’t putting myself out to assist anyone outside my inner circle. I was too tired or too focused on my daily affairs. I was also enjoying the abundance of my hard earned labor. I enjoyed spending my money with no worry of not being able to pay my bills. That came to a screeching halt as I was yet again divinely directed to use my abilities and skills in such a way as to help others. It would have been so much easier to just get a job and earn a paycheck. I didn’t choose this career, which is probably the oldest profession there is. I tried to run away many times, but have always been divinely redirected back. To truly use my abilities I was going to have to WORK and use these skills and abilities not only for you but for myself as well. Now it was necessary for me to devote my life to this “career” which I never would have done if my financial needs were being met elsewhere. I do not have a retirement to fall back on, no SSI or Social Security. Am I making as much as I used to as a massage therapist? Heck No, and the question for me to ask is why NOT? Does being a psychic reader mean that you should sit on the curb holding out your cup so that you can simply live so that others can use your God-given gift for free? This does not make much sense because where is the flow of give and take? Where does it say that a reader, healer, soul-changer, or Shaman should not use their abilities abundantly to create a beautiful life for themselves and their loved ones? Why should they have to scrape by month after month wondering if their man-made bills are going to get paid? I work day and night, often not getting enough sleep in an effort to make a living for my family. No matter how much I charge for my “God-given gift,” considering the amount of time I spend to make it all happen, I am barely making minimum wage. Would someone please discover me and pay me a bundle so I can take a few steps down Easy Street for just a day or two? Actually, I humbly offer my services, my God-given gift, at a fair market value."
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:47:48 +0000

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