The Counterfeit Gospel 7 But even if we or an angel from heaven - TopicsExpress


The Counterfeit Gospel 7 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8 I find it kind of amusing. Everyone assumes the gospel they believe is the one Paul preached. Paul does not lay out the full Gospel in this letter. He is correcting the parts that have been polluted. He does this in most of his letters. Most of his letters to churches are churches that he started. After delivering the Gospel and then departing from them he writes, in most cases, to address problems that have arisen, and or, encourage them. He doesn’t take time to repeat his full presentation of the Gospel, though he will remind them of aspects of it before giving instructions. He knows they have heard the pure Gospel from him so he operates off of that knowledge. Then you have the occasions in Acts where Luke is reporting about Paul preaching the Gospel. We take it for granted that what Luke wrote down is all Paul said. But, if you will notice it usually takes less than a minute to read Paul’s presentation. Now, let’s be realistic, how many preachers have you heard that could say anything in under 30 minutes? :) Look at me, I’ve been talking about the Gospel for 7 documents now and haven’t laid it out yet. :) I think of it like this: I spend 3 hours with a person. When my wife asks me what we talked about it only takes me 30 seconds to tell her. Obviously, I’m hitting the highlights. So, too, are the accounts in Acts. What is recorded basically took place over about 30 years. We are not going to get a lot of details from those accounts. So, if Paul’s presentations of the Gospel in Acts are highlights and most of his letters are reminders of aspects he previously preached, how can we know what Paul would have presented to a church he had not previously visited? Great question! Glad you asked! We will look at that next episode. Same time! Same Channel!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 00:33:03 +0000

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