The Courtyard of Fate Overview: A solemn, muted place where Fate - TopicsExpress


The Courtyard of Fate Overview: A solemn, muted place where Fate holds court. History and Legends: Fate—and, by extension, the Courtyard of Fate—has been involved in numerous major, world-shaking historical events throughout the existence of the Known World. Legends about the Courtyard of Fate usually concern Fate, in some capacity or another, and this entity’s role in judging souls—and punishing its enemies. Areas: The Courtyard of Fate includes Fate’s Pavilion, the waiting area, the Maze of Reflection, and the Pool of Lost Thoughts. Important Denizens: Waiting souls; Fate; Grapplers; Ogmi the Younger; Fi-Yazsh the Unknowable. Regulation: Fate rules supreme here, and none may upset the solemn majesty of the place. Souls who come here are: Usually the souls of the young, who have not had time to develop specific personalities that would send them to other gardens. Beings that violate Fate’s rules also arrive at the courtyard for judgment—often, Grapplers drag them before their master. Gods also come to the Courtyard of Fate to meet with Fate or collect their followers’ souls. Oh, rich man, you think you’re fine? Oh, fat man, you drink your wine? It matters not if you think you’re great; You’ll all meet in the Courtyard of Fate. —Gnome children’s rhyme The Courtyard of Fate is perhaps the most famous of the Celestial Gardens, for it is here that Fate dwells. This mysterious entity has more power than any god of mortals; some say that Fate has more power than all the gods combined, for it seems to have the ability to alter physical and spiritual laws in order to see its plans fulfilled. Fate uses its courtyard for trials; discussions both private and public; and as a holding area for captured demons, Leviathans, and other transgressors. The Courtyard of Fate is a place of muted colors, of grays and washed-out greens and yellows. The sky is a sunset panorama, but looks like a watercolor left unfinished. Trees and flowers stand about. Birds, squirrels, bees, and other small animals live in the courtyard, but their songs are too quiet and brief to disturb the peace of this place. Large rectangular stones stand or lie about, serving as monoliths or resting places for the waiting souls. These stones line pathways of crushed gray rock, which wind around the courtyard in a maze before reaching the center. Benches of marble and stone also stand throughout the courtyard. All these features radiate out from a mottled gray pavilion, where Fate sits on a golden chair. The most notable feature of the Courtyard of Fate is the number of souls waiting about. These souls represent all the races found on the Known World—humans as well as the elder races. Most of them are nervous; all are quiet, speaking in hushed whispers or standing or walking alone, their brows furrowed as they wonder what Fate has in store for them. Every so often, a Grappler arrives with its charge, or a god enters the courtyard, causing all eyes to turn. Yet no matter how powerful you are, you must wait for Fate’s convenience before you speak to it.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 04:58:52 +0000

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