The Crazies are Coming out of the Woodwork: The Tip of the - TopicsExpress


The Crazies are Coming out of the Woodwork: The Tip of the Iceberg - One of the things the internet does is spawn certified cukoos . . . is this religion/church real? Does it really matter? It does, and it will, if they can find other cukoos (birds of a feather and all) . . . Just like the Obama christ site and the Kayne West religion Yeezianity which reportedly has just over 1000 people (that is 10 times the size of the average church in America according to Barna data) . . . and with operations like Gofundme and Indiegogo, Satanists were able to get people to donate $28,180 USD to build a statue of Satan in hopes that it would be a monument to contrast the monument to the 10 Commandments in OK City. The QUEEN James bible sells on Amazon. It is real. Links to these nuts: queenjamesbible/ crowdfundinsider/2013/12/28109-indiegogo-campaign-seeks-funding-satanic-monument-alongside-ten-commandments-oklahoma-capital/ yeezianity/ obama-christ/ 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (CJB) 3 For the time is coming when people will not have patience for sound teaching, but will cater to their passions and gather around themselves teachers who say whatever their ears itch to hear. 4 Yes, they will stop listening to the truth, but will turn aside to follow myths.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:29:51 +0000

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