The Creation Museum has been turned down for a seat on The San - TopicsExpress


The Creation Museum has been turned down for a seat on The San Diego Museum Council. The Creation Museum spokesperson claims that his museum was rejected because of persecution of true believers in God. He likened the museum’s current situation to some of the worst atrocities in the South during the Civil Rights Movement, when African-Americans were beaten and arrested to prevent them from exercising their right to vote. “It’s like we’re in Selma, Alabama in the 1950s and I want to have a museum on black Americans,” Cantor said. “Do you think I’ll be accepted by the council of museums in Selma, Alabama?” This is an argument from the absurd, the lame attempt to use a historical reality as if it applies to the Creation Museum. The Creation Museum is the religious version of Barnum and Bailey. No one really begrudges their little dinosaur show or the fact that they are hauling in millions of dollars. This is America. You are free to hoodwink the public as long as you are not breaking any laws. The Creation Museum is free to espouse their false teachings about creation without any fear of attack dogs, policemen with bully sticks, or firemen with hoses. Rejecting the Creation Museum for membership in a museum council is not persecution or prejudice. Its just good common sense. After all, the Creation Museum is an amusement park. Disneyland doesnt have a seat on the Museum Council.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 13:31:18 +0000

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