« The Creator has made us all the guardians of gifts, talents and - TopicsExpress


« The Creator has made us all the guardians of gifts, talents and virtues, which we must cultivate. You will say that it’s a lot of work and effort that others will perhaps not recognize. But why attach so much importance to your abilities being recognized? Your heavenly Father, who gave them to you, sees how constructive you are with them, and it is unreasonable to allow your psychological and spiritual development to depend on the opinion of others. Look what happens in the case of famous people. One day all eyes are on them, and before long they are forgotten… One day they are being praised to the skies, and before long they are being slaughtered… Sometimes both even happen at the same time: while some admire them and praise them to the heights, others tear them to shreds. And then what state will they end up in, if they do not know how to hang on to something solid and unchanging in themselves? The only opinion that should matter to us is the Creator’s, because one day we will have to give an account to him of the use we made of the riches he gave us. »
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 07:12:07 +0000

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