The Cs Against African Traditional System: Will You Allow Them - TopicsExpress


The Cs Against African Traditional System: Will You Allow Them Grow Deeper? To a great extent one cant come to full terms what actually dislocated or disbanded the ever progressive Black Race and relegated her to todays retrogressive political and social-cultural trends. Come to think of it, Africa being the mother of civilization, science, art & technology and even religion, can never be where she is today, my research points to the fact that she was sabotaged by the very nations she civilized. What the world has carved out of African today is overwhelmingly bad. Our todays leadership and governance structures they influence, on this I blame our leaders whose zero visionary perspective leave us wondering how bad brothers can be so heartless. The effects of what was wrongly done against Africa is still living with us, even, gaining deeper roots in all shades of our enterprise and engagement. These CRIMES left evil marks upon our clime, clans and consciousness, I believe that with committed and creative leadership, these CRIMINAL offensives hauled at us will be corrected. *COLONIALISM What really makes a man think he is more superior to his fellow, nothing but madness, where is the supreme status, both of you besides skin completion have same configuration. The idea of Colonisation was to the best of my senses a crazy mans option to mutual human relationship. The question begging an answer still remains if deep down our fore fathers consciousness they believed they were actually being lorded over by strangers who came begging to be allowed share their land, vegetation, Indigenous Techniques (what was latter branded fetish after it has served a lot of purposes for them, and currently rakes in daily revenue for them at their various museums) *COMMERCE/CAPITALISM Africa has the best globally known and accepted system of exchange, even trade by barter. The evil of capitalism to some great extent are the reasons Africa is where she is today, Capitalism can never work well in Africa, by nature Africans care about their relations. *CORRUPTION The conscious supplanting of original African belief system with imported religious practices laid the foundations of todays increasing cases of corruption. Our traditional belief system holds that those who misappropriate our common-wealth must appear before the communal deitys shrine for clearance of guilt, but a system of thought that frees them is counter productive. *COMPETITIVE CULTURE One sure evil Africa has over the years swallowed is the culture of competition, instead of that of selfless Collaborative and Consensus Communal Spirit. Whatever led to the loss of this spirit is the very basis of all Crimes planned and hatched against Africa. Our Leadership, Institutions and Society is blind to this realization that sustaining the culture of competition still holds the ACE against the growth and advancement of our African Race. Whatever was never part of a people can never advance them, by history and orientation Africans live and survive through communal spirit, competition had zero place in us. Colonialism, commerce, capitalism and corrupt religious principles were responsible for the present day rot that bred todays needless competition. Of what use is all these mad competition, who said there is never enough for Africans, who said our natural common-wealth is scarce, limited & finite. Theories of deceit our past leaders learnt, swallowed and weakly attempted forcing down our consciousness. For which we say no to. I call upon you today, there is still some thing you can think, say, do that can CHANGE our collective African Story. If none now appeals to you and you want to make a difference, why not hook my up for a phone call, I belief we can work stuffs up. Thanks for your patience and lengthy reading spirit. Together, some day we will restore to posterity what actually belongs to them, to us, to Africans. What belongs to us as Africans? We have lost our best, Communal Spirit, its our commitment to restore it, nothing more is important than this. Restore Communal Spirit or die trying.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 09:45:01 +0000

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