The Cure For Anger: Few days ago I wrote about Anger on - TopicsExpress


The Cure For Anger: Few days ago I wrote about Anger on the group Conference of Multi-talented minds. Here is the concluding part of dat write-up, The cure for anger. Many people stubbornly maintain dat some anger is desirabe. Admittedly, Eph. 4:26,27 allows for righteous indignation, but wit three key qualifications: (1) Do not sin, (2) Do not let d sun go down on ur wrath, (3) Giv no place to the devil. Dat kynd of righteous indignation is Impersonal, for it is unselfishly felt on som1 elses behalf. The type of anger most people xperienc, and dat which causes the family disharmony is selfish, pride-filled anger incurred when som1 rejects, insults, or injures us. Currently there is a tendency to offer well-meaning suggestions dat we use our anger, control it, or channel it in2 useful endeavors. As one explosive little lady suggested recently in my chat wit her, Express it! She mistakenly believes dat Repressed anger is worse than Expressed anger. Actually, expressing anger compounds the problem becos it entrenches the habit pattern mor deeply into the subconscious mind. Evry time we do anything, it becomes easier to repeat the nxt time as we transform d experienc in2 a habit. Dat is particularly true of xpressing detrimental emotions. Admittedly, repressed hostility can cause bleeding ulcers and the other 50 diseases mentioned in Dr. McMillens book. But there is a better remedy: Cure it! Consider the following steps carefully, 1) Face anger as a sin (Eph 4:30-32). No sin, habit, or weakness can be overcom unless the individual is willing 2 face it squarely as wrong. If you hav any question about anger being wrong, pursue a Bible study on anger. You wil find ova 25 verses dat denounce it, and mny illustrations from cain to peter dat condemn it(none mor pathetic than dat of Moses). Such a study wil help u avoid d natural inclination 2 justify or xcuse ur anger. Such action is self-destructive, for it nullifies d possibility of cure. I hav neva seen a person ovacom anger unless he readily admitted it as sin. Uncured anger alwys limits a persons potential. To fulfil ur ultimate destiny u must gain victory ova anger. Anger grieves the Holy Spirit. Personally I used to consider my quick- explosiv but short-lasting anger to be a natural emotional feeling dat shud be xpressed by evry hyper spirited sanguine cos dat happens 2 be my temperament class, a SanPhleg. Today by d help of the Holy Spirit helping me 2 study anger, I nw see it as a sin and Im a work in progress. When Im Completed pple wil only see the strengths frm my weaknesses. 2) Confess ur anger as sin.(1 John 1:9) 3) Ask God 2 take away dis habit pattern. 4) Ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit. 5) Giv thnx for the source of ur irritation (1 thess 5:18) 6) repeat dis formula evry time u get angry.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 16:38:30 +0000

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