The Daily Beast check your headline. Theyre African migrants, not - TopicsExpress


The Daily Beast check your headline. Theyre African migrants, not Italian. And, instead of having some bleeding-heart reporter writing an inflammatory and one-sided story, why not look more closely at Italys side? The increase in migrant landings in Italy in 2013 over 2012 was 325%. THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE! It is MASSIVE. Even with a fourth quarter 2013 influx of funds from the EU, how in the world is Italy supposed to handle the sheer numbers?! There were over TWO THOUSAND in January alone, which is a ten-fold increase from January 2013! Cut Italy some slack. It takes time to implement change, particularly on tiny Lampedusa near poverty-stricken Sicily. And dont even get me started about the paperwork nightmare to process the sudden influx of people who are, by the way, entering illegally. (Frankly, instead of sewing their mouths shut, they should be grateful for the meals and the shelter, which is more than most were accorded by the governments of their countries of origin.) Moreover, the vast majority of the asylum seekers are from hotbeds of Islamic extremism like Syria, Somalia, and Eritrea. They are being loaded onto vessels that are barely seaworthy; crowded in by Libyan human traffickers who fight each other for the right to steal their money and rape their women. Since these are the very militants who provide security services for the largely non-existent Libyan central government, nobody is vetting who enters the boats. Who knows how many extremists infiltrators pass through Italy each month on their way to fulfill promises of terror throughout Europe. Actually, given the fact that the French have driven the extremists out of Mali and into Southern Libya, it would seem that migrant boats from Libya would be of particular concern to them.... But I digress. Heres a thought: Why dont you have one of your bleeding heart reporters run a story about the reason why these people seek refuge in the first place? Plight of the African Migrant: abject poverty caused by greed, corruption, and abuse from their own governments. Now THAT would make a nice headline. thedailybeast/articles/2014/02/04/italian-migrants-sew-mouths-shut-in-protest.html
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 00:14:15 +0000

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