The Daily Fix How To Get Unstuck From Your Career Rut Hey - TopicsExpress


The Daily Fix How To Get Unstuck From Your Career Rut Hey Andrew, Have you ever felt stuck in a dead-end job? Have you felt like theres just no room to grow? Maybe you dont want to grow in that particular company... that maybe you should just move on to a new job? Youre not alone... On our nationally-syndicated TV and radio show this past Sunday, we talked about how to get promoted in todays job market. Did you know 57% of people are not satisfied with their jobs? The two biggest reasons for this, according to CBS News, is people feel underpaid and they have no opportunity for growth. This is really sad. Imagine 57% of people feeling stuck in their jobs. They feel overworked and underpaid, going nowhere on a treadmill instead of climbing a ladder up to the top of their company. I heard a story from one of our clients during the show, and I just have to share it with you today. It really blew my mind and inspired me, and I know it will do the same for you, Andrew. There is a lot we can learn from this story, whether youre learning it for the first time or its just a reminder for you. Melody called into the show to share her experience working for a small skincare manufacturer. She doesnt like her job, but Melody decided to prosper where shes planted and to do the absolute best she can. And you wont believe what happened! Using the new skill sets she learned at DaniJohnson, Melody started a new division in her company. In the first year, she grew sales to $42,000. The second year, she did $250,000 in sales, and this year she did $500,000 —and the years not even over yet! Andrew, do you see what Melody did? She didnt like her job, but she knew she didnt have to stay stuck. Most people in her situation would have quit! Or at the very least, they would have dragged themselves to work every day, doing just enough to not get fired. They would have been upset with the lack of growth opportunities. But Melody didnt sit around waiting for her boss to promote her. She didnt complain about her dead-end job or her boss. She didnt quit! She invested in herself, learned new skills and made herself extremely valuable to her company. Whether you love your job or you hate it; whether you feel youre underpaid and underappreciated; whether you are totally dissatisfied or content with your current position... Thats not the point! What have you done lately to make yourself more valuable at work? What new skills have you learned? What old skills have you mastered?Today I want you to really think about what you can do right now that will make you more valuable to your company. What specific skills will give you an edge and help you get better results? What will make your boss want to promote you? Andrew, I can tell you right now – Melody is a shining example of what we should ALL be doing every single day! It would be very wise to share this message with your friends, family and coworkers. Print it out and pass it around in your office, and watch how the work ethic changes! You can also simply forward this email or post this link on Facebook and Twitter.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 15:25:52 +0000

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