The Daily Fix Less Talk, More Communication Hey - TopicsExpress


The Daily Fix Less Talk, More Communication Hey Andrew, This morning, I want you to recall the last time you sat down with someone and just listened to them. I mean really listened. And when I say listening that doesnt mean you were thinking about what you were going to say next, waiting for a point where you could jump in with your story or opinion or just nodding along while figuring out what you were going to have for dinner! Its probably been quite a while, if you can even recall a time at all. And the situation might have involved either a very close friend or spouse. Lets face it, for most of us this is a very rare and exclusive privilege we dont grant to many people. Think about your life and how amazing it makes you feel when you talk and you can tell that theyre truly listening, with no judgment or ulterior motives. It builds trust. And it builds your confidence. Now take that feeling you have in your mind from your personal life, I want you to think about it in relationship to your career. One common complaint I hear from employers is that their employees dont seem to listen or cant follow simple instructions. In general, you reserve one of the most highly sought-after business skills for a very small group of people -- who you might not even work with! What do you think would happen if you started listening, really listening, to those who could have an influence in your business or career? Oh man, thered be way less stress and miscommunication filling your life, I can say for sure! Sometimes you might feel like youre just too busy to waste all that time just listening to someone yammer on. Youve got work to do, right? But, what if during all that yammering you missed something important? Think about all the time, the energy, the money and the stress you could have saved yourself after you have to re-do that task for your boss. What a waste! If youre willing to increase your listening skills, you are already on the road to promotion using these three, simple tips: 1. Make good eye contact: Its a basic sign of respect, and if you arent doing it – uh, well, HELLO! 2. Take notes: Everywhere you go, make sure you have a pen and notebook. This not only shows you are really listening, but it gives you a record for future reference and to refresh your memory later. 3. Repeat it back: When the speaker finishes their point, use phrases like, To clarify, you want me to..., What Im hearing is.... Not only does it show you are listening, but it allows the speaker to clarify where needed. Listen, Andrew. Really... Im asking you to actually LISTEN because this one, amazing skill will open doors you never imagined! Right now, you may feel trapped in your career, because you see absolutely no hope for promotion. Youre probably thinking, why even bother to try anything more? Guess what, I have seen companies CREATE new roles specifically to promote the right people with the right skills. Is that something that would make your ears perk up? Its like that old TV commercial, where an entire crowd freezes to hear what one guys expert recommends. Wouldnt you like to be THAT GUY!? And Im always listening to what you have to say, so please leave your comments for me on todays post, and be sure to Like and Share these thoughts within your network... you never know who might be listening!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 17:29:24 +0000

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