The Daily Janchetna MISSION JAN CHETNA -17 Humility Humility - TopicsExpress


The Daily Janchetna MISSION JAN CHETNA -17 Humility Humility is the quality of being humble: egoless, modest, not proud, doing something for others (instead of self) out of the goodness of heart. Humility, in various interpretations, is widely seen as a virtue. Spirituals have connected humility with a notion of transcendent unity with the universe or the divine. In our day-to-day life also, humility is seen as a positive characteristic. It is very helpful in interaction with masses. Spirituals define humility as a “quality by which a person considering his own defects has a lowly opinion of him and willingly submits himself to God and to others for God’s sake.” St. Bernard defined humility as “a virtue by which a man knowing himself as he truly is abases himself.” “The virtue of humility,” said St. Thomas,’ consists in keeping oneself within one’s own bounds, not reaching out to things above one, but submitting to one’s superior.” In Buddhism, humility is equivalent to concern of how to be liberated from the sufferings of life and vexations of the human mind. “Humility is the result of achieving Nirvana. When one experiences the ultimate emptiness (Shunyta) and non-self (Anatta), one is free from suffering, vexation and all illusions of self-deception. Humility, compassion and wisdom characterize this state of enlightment. According to Hinduism, one has to kill the ego to get in touch with the true self. “The word Ahamkara,” they say,” literally translates into the sound of “I” or quite simply the sense of the self or ego. When this sound is stilled, you are in touch with your true being.” Catholic texts view humility as annexed to the cardinal virtue of temperance. It is viewed as a potential part of temperance because temperance includes all those virtues that restrain or express the inordinate movements of our desires or appetites. H Humility is said to be the foundation of spiritual edifice and inferior only to faith. However, humility is considered the first virtue in as much as it removes the obstacles to faith. It removes pride and makes a man subject to and fit recipient of grace. St. James says,” God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” “Islam” word is interpreted as meaning “surrender (to God), Humility”. A number of couplets from various Muslim Texts are quoted to give stress on humility: “Before thee We sent messengers to many nations and We afflicted the nations with suffering and adversity, that they call Allah in humility. When the suffering reached them from Us, why then did not call Allah in humility? On the contrary, their hearts became hardened and Satan made their sinful acts seem alluring to them.”(Al-Anaam 6:42-43). “”Successful indeed are the believers, those who humble themselves in their prayers.”(Al- Muminoon 23:1-2). “Has not the time arrived for the believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which has been revealed to them?”(Al-Hadid 57:16). Humility, preached as Nimarta, is a deep aspect of Sikhism. According to the guruvani, God is Almighty and everyone has to bow before Him in humility. The fruit of humility is intuitive peace and pleasure. With humility, they continue to meditate on the Lord-the Treasure of excellence. The God conscious being is steeped in humility. One whose heart is mercifully blessed with abiding humility. Sikhism deal humility as begging bowl before the God. (Contd.) This and selective articles published in may also be read at
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 10:54:51 +0000

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