The Dangers of Spiritual Elitism Submitted by will on Sun , - TopicsExpress


The Dangers of Spiritual Elitism Submitted by will on Sun , 23/03/2014 While this is not true for everyone , there is a kind of elitism which is quite common in spiritual groups . Some people have the illusion that they know so much more than all the others , and this makes them better . There are those loaded terms like wake up and enlightened , and while these terms mean something , are the people who love to brag about the fact that they are usually not awake nor enlightened. They have only the first few steps taken down that path . The ego likes to compare themselves with others in order to obtain a false sense of self-worth and if they look at the sleeping masses believe they are so much better . I tell you, a baker who work with love and joy does, who really respect for others and shares his happiness, this person is doing Gods work . This person can easily do much more to help elevate fear than a person who has read hundreds of spiritual books and pay thousands of dollars to attend . Best spiritual retreats and conferences humanity Without the essential inner work , do those kind of things in themselves nothing , and can actually build as many illusions as it solves. Pay attention, otherwise leave you one illusion, only to be replaced by another . Then There are a number of spiritual groups here on the planet who say it is all about love and equality , and everyone gets in their divinity , but if you have a little dig deeper you the way notice how they behave and what they really tell people is quite another . What I consider to be the pinnacle of spiritual elitism is something that has nothing to do with Spirit , it s your basic authoritarianism . There are thousands of spiritual groups that revolve around some central authority figures that are supposed to tell what the truth is everyone. They will do all kinds of predictions for the future , and try to tell you how to live your life. You Its probably the standard way of doing things in spiritual groups , but it is very old paradigm . Its how companies and governments are run , it is an ignorant and dangerous thing . It encourages people to look for the truth outside of themselves , what the old religious ways of doing things in hold mode . If you think I m a bit hypocritical by saying these things , then that s good, it means that you understand what is being said here . Our goal at the Galactic Free Press is twofold , although both goals feed each other . We want to destroy illusions , and we want to help people find the truth within them . You are your own authority , unless you are foolish enough to give to someone else that away. No one is better or worse than another , and if you stop to judge others based on yourself, then you will be free to truly be yourself. We are all aspects of God , no one is more important than the other . Thats not how God works , thats not what God is , and you are in no way separated from God . The Galactic Free Press
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 23:01:49 +0000

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