The Dark Side of the Masonic Lodge: Freemasonry exposed By - TopicsExpress


The Dark Side of the Masonic Lodge: Freemasonry exposed By Michael Houke The lodge was formed as the Grand Lodge in London in 1717. Freemasonry is a secret society. It uses symbolism, secret oaths and rituals to instruct new members who must remain loyal to the lodge and its teaching’s. Many well known celebrities and past figures have been masons including 14 U.S. Presidents and 14 Vice Presidents. The lodge claims that they are not a religion, however, their leaders and historians tell a different story. Branches of Most modern adherents maintain that the organization is not a religion but a club or fraternity promoting high moral values and good works. They believe, therefore, that Freemasonry is compatible with and supplements Christianity and other religions. Critics counter that Freemasonry involves secret blood oaths or curses, and that the writings of respected early leaders (Albert Mackey, Albert Pike, etc.) are replete with occult philosophy and religious doctrine contrary to Christianity. Despite Freemasonry’s promotion and funding of a number of worthwhile, philanthropic endeavors (free Shriner children hospitals, nursing homes, etc.), many Christian individuals and churches have condemned Freemasonry or warned of elements that they believe are contrary to Christianity. These churches include the Presbyterian Church of America, Southern Baptist Convention, Episcopal Church, Christian Reformed Church, Church of the Nazarene, and Lutheran Church (Missouri and Wisconsin Synods). Authoritive Books by Masons: Ranked by most often recommended in replies and letters. All of these books and authors teach that Freemasonry is a religion! 1. 44% Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia: Henry Wilson Coil 2. 36% The Builder’s: Joseph Fort Newton 3. 32% Mackey’s revised Encyclopedia of Free Masonry: Albert Mackey 4. 24% The Newly-Made Mason: H.L. Haywood 5. 20% A Masonic reader’s Guide: Alphonse Cerza 6. 20% History of Freemasonry: Robert F. Gould 7. 20% The Craft and it’s symbols: Allen AE. Roberts 8. 16% Morals and Dogmas of Freemasonry: Albert pike When one decides or is invited to join the lodge there is the York Rite and the Scottish Rite. The York Rite has 13 degrees and the Scottish Rite has 33. The Scottish Rite is the most popular in the United States and the one we will deal with here. The first Three degrees are is what is called the “Blue Lodge”. They are in order: Ist Entered Apprentice 2nd Fellow Craft 3rd Master Mason The majority of all Masons never advance past the 3rd degree/Master Mason and therefore are blind to what the lodge teaches after the Blue Lodge. It does cost money to advance to the next degrees and it gets somewhat expensive at the 32nd and 33rd degrees. The majority of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree masons are not bad people; they have been deceived. It is almost impossible for them to understand this (that they are deceived). The design of the system is deliberate so that they, appearing and believing themselves innocent will attract others to the lodge. The Lodge has Two youth organizations: 1. Order of DeMolay (for boys) 2. Job’s Daughters (for girls) 3. Order of the Rainbow (for girls) It has one organization for Woman, “The order of the Eastern Star”. Most loges in America are racist and do not allow blacks into them. “Prince Albert Hall” lodges have been created for blacks. Freemasonry is a series of ritually systematic demonization procedures. It is a successor of the ancient mysteries religions: the secret worship rites of Pagan Gods. Every Masonic lodge is a temple of religion and its teachings are instruction in religion. Freemasonry acknowledges a series of gods to be worshipped: T.G.A.O.T.U., the Great Architect of the Universe. JAHBULON: a revelation of the real name of God: JAH: the God of the Israelites. BUL: (=Baal) - the god of the Syrians. ON: Egyptian god OSIRIS of the underworld. AHURA-MAZDA - spirit of light: a nature god of Zoroastrianism worshipped in Persia (Iran) with fire. AUM of the Hindus: (Brahma - Vishna - Shiva). ALLAH: God of Arab, Muslim and Mohammedan. LUCIFER = the Devil, Satan. When a Mason dies his family is told that he has went to heaven to reside in the “Celestial Lodge”. Masons are taught that their deeds will merit inheritance into heaven. This is a salvation by works teaching. They believe that men are saved by personal righteousness. The Bible is not the Masonic Lodge’s authoritive text (it’s just another book). All Masons are taught that the all-seeing eye is a symbol for God. The Lodge accepts members of all religions (including Muslims) and Christians. Former Mason Jack Harris stated that he taught for eleven years in rituals that Freemasonry did indeed teach how to get to heaven clearly teaching a salvation by works. It was taught with the apron that they wear in their rituals. Masons must believe in a supreme being, he does not have to be Jesus. They are required to obey God (a third degree teaching). The Bible is nothing more than a piece of furniture in the lodge, it is not the word of God and is not to be obeyed. Masons are forbidden to end their prayers in Jesus name. Masonry also denies the trinity. Masonry teaches that whatever God you worship it is not actually that God, but the God of freemasonry. Masonry has never expected ir intended that Christians should keep or follow its scriptures, for to do so would compromise Masonic Teachings. Masonic Doctrine is the true word of God. The Bible’s scriptures are in direct conflict with what the lodge teaches. Masonry teaches that its teaching is a religion (the one true religion) that is superior to other faiths, and only respects the beliefs of other religions when they agree with the lodge and only then. Masonry teaches that non-Masons are living in spiritual darkness. As far as Freemasonry being a religion goes, let the leaders speak for themselves: Albert pike States: “Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion and its teachings are an instruction in religion”. Albert Mackey States: “The religion of Masonry is cosmopolitan, universal”. Henry Wilson Coil States: “Religion is espoused by the Masonic ritual and required of the candidate. Freemasonry is one of Satans master deceptions. Freemasonry builds temples in the hearts of men and nations. But any attempt to construct a spiritual temple can only succeed through the power of the Holy Spirit. Sources: Freemasonry (The Invisible Cult): Jack Harris Fast Facts on the Masonic Lodge: Ankerberg and Weldon The Dark Secret of the G.A.O.T.U. (Shattering the the Deception of Freemasonry) Mendez Ferrell 33 Degrees of Deception: Tom C. McKenny The Secret teachings of the Masonic Lodge: Ankerberg and Weldon God Bless Michael Houke
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 11:45:59 +0000

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