: "The Darwinian belief that all human beings and, indeed, all - TopicsExpress


: "The Darwinian belief that all human beings and, indeed, all living things are only “cosmically inconsequential bundles of stardust, adrift in an infinite and purposeless universe” has been enthusiastically embraced by antitheists. The human species is said to have evolved from lower forms of life such as the single-celled amoeba in some primordial soup in antiquity. Mankind is further reported to have survived through a process known as natural selection, which Darwin adopted in the fifth edition of his book, On the Origin of Species, to mean survival of the fittest. Survival of the fittest means that only the members of a species that are better able to adapt to their environment survive over eons of time while the weak ones are left to die off – a form of genetic cleansing one might say. This theory was embraced by politicians and biologists and philosophers who saw it as a legitimization of the elimination of those they considered to be weak and inferior in the mosaic of the human race in order to pave the way for a more superior species of humanity. One who bought into this theory was Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, who is notorious for having coined the phrase “God is dead.” Think, for a moment, about the implications of such phraseology- God is dead!!! If God is dead then everything is allowable and at whose expense? In his parable about Zarathustra, Nietzsche espoused that man in his present state was only half way in the process of evolution to becoming Superman, a form of species free from the “shackles” of religion. Already he saw the Christian whom he dubbed “the worm theologian,” as the main threat to the realization of the Superman status. Sadly, this worldview was passed on to Adolf Hitler who, in turn, passed it on to Benito Mussolini- all with devastating consequences. Obviously man has not yet evolved into Nietzsche’s super species. And so, the question still stands: what is the next step in the process of evolution? While evolutionists continue to unabashedly believe in a slow and continuous process of evolution over millions of years Christians know that this process has already been completed. This is not a process that changes humanity into a Superman species. Rather, it is an instantaneous metamorphosis that takes place from the inside out. It is change that is propelled by establishing a kingdom that is “not of this world” in the human heart; a change from being mere creatures to becoming sons and daughters of God with an eternal citizenship. This is spiritual evolution although evolution is misapplied terminology here because this change does not span eons neither is it instigated by involuntary occurrences in the natural environment. It is change that is voluntary; offered to each human being freely by our Lord Jesus Christ and we have the choice to accept it and embrace it with all it stands for or reject it. Those who have attempted to obliterate the momentum of this process have themselves been obliterated. As one wise, elderly gentleman has said, it is a process that has survived its pall-bearers. Now, that is something to contemplate upon." -a devotional by Dr. Reigh Simuzoshya God cares; Jesus is Proof.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 03:43:07 +0000

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