The Dawn To Establish World Peace and Resuscitate Humanity - TopicsExpress


The Dawn To Establish World Peace and Resuscitate Humanity Started With a case of Past life age Regression at All India Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences ------------------------------------------------- An interesting case of age regression administered to Prakash, by me ( Dr. C. Ramaswamy ) at the All India Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences in Bangalore is as follows : Dr. V. Venkataramaiah was a specialist in the Department of Hysteria in 1972 at the Institute of Mental Health, Bangalore. His job was to fight against invisible mental disease everyday as a psychiatrist. Many diseases were very challenging, evading all diagnosis. One such was the case of Prakash, a boy of 17 years of age. Dr. Venkataramaiah tried in vain to come out with any conclusions about this boy. As an alternative, he thought whether hypnotic treatment might throw some light on the case. Prakash had been hit by a cricket ball about six months ago. The ball had hit him on the right ear. Since then he had lost his power of speech and hearing. His parents had taken the boy to all experts: allopathy, ayurveda, unani and such other treatment had no effect on him. Even tantrics and magicians had given up this case as beyond their reach. Astrologers felt their calculations must have gone wrong somewhere. But all to this effect, that nothing could cure Prakash. ENT Specialists said finally that it was a mental case, and not one of organic. Dr. V. Venkataramaiah asked Dr. C. Ramaswamy, a hypnotist on the staff of the Institute of Mental Health whether he can treat a deaf and mute Prakash by Hypnotherapy. The hypnotist came forward to handle the case at this juncture. Dr. Venketaramaiah, before entrusting Prakash to the care of this Medical hypnotist, asked a few questions: “May I know how you proceed with your hypnotic cure? ” The hypnotist explained: I dont think I can try hypnotism on this patient. Apparently there is no question of giving him any suggestions since he is stone-deaf. If at all, I should stick to Mesmerism’, thereby induce deep sleep in the patient for some analysis. Dr. Venkataramaiah was ready with another question: “By what mechanism can you find out his malady while in sound sleep? How can you possibly effect the therapy? ” The hypnotist said: “When I get complete control over his mind, youll see how his memory turns photographic in its nature. Thoughts in the form of waves come up from the sub-conscious mind on to the conscious plane. As I start giving suggestions to the sub-conscious, about the reasons of the ailment, he cant help revealing them. After finding out the actual cause, the right suggestion can be sent back to the sub-conscious to remedy it. The moment that anxiety is cleared, it is possible that the patient may get back his ‘hearing’ as well as ‘the faculty of speech’. Rather doubtfully Dr. Venkataramaiah remarked: “If you succeed in this attempt, your knowledge of hypnotism deserves special credit - my best wishes to you”. It was a full-moon day. The atmosphere around was calm. The hypnotist was busy in his room. Prakash was there for the experiment. The hypnotist beckoned to him to sit comfortably in an easy chair placed near the window. Then the doors and windows were bolted. Prakash was now asked to look at the eyes of the hypnotist without batting his eyelids. When the place is utterly peaceful it is easy to hypnotize and mesmerize the patient. In this case it was ideal to conduct it. Now Prakash started staring at the eyes of the hypnotists steadfastly. He felt as though the hypnotist was drawing his very soul towards him. Further he experienced that the hypnotist was dilating his eyes so much that Prakash felt terrorized. He wanted to take his eyes off the hypnotist. However hard he tried, it was impossible. it seemed as though some unknown magnetic force had attracted Prakash’s eyes; and, as if by a spell, he did not move his eyes either. After some time, Prakash gradually closed his eyes. Suddenly the hypnotist advanced towards Prakash, and moved his hand across Prakash’s body, from head to foot, transmitting mental waves - in the form of ‘sprinkling’ them. “Prakash....Prakash,” the hypnotist gently addressed the patient. With eyelids half-open Prakash responded: “what?” it was like a word uttered in deep slumber. “Can you tell me who I am?” “You are a doctor” “Do you answer my questions?” “Yes.” “What is the cause of your being deaf and dumb?” Prakash grew silent- “Come on, speak out.” “It is the result of my previous birth.” “Then you believe in that kind of thing.” “Yes, of course.” “Tell me, what were you in your previous birth?” “Ill let you know next week. Now treat me for speech and hearing.” “How? ” “Sprinkle your mental waves over my ear and throat, - ten minutes on each,and then touch me on the ear and throat.” The hypnotist performed accordingly, and said: “From today you regain your hearing. You can also speak without any difficulty,” and repeated this suggestion somberly to Prakash. A few moments later, the hypnotist uttered these words calmly: “Dont you now hear? Cant you speak, see? ” “Yes, I can.” “Get up, Prakash. Wake up please,” said the hypnotist and passed his palm over Prakash’s forehead. Nearly an hour or so Prakash had been laid there in that experimental trance. Later he was restored to his original position. Next morning there was a pleasant surprise around and all people felt delighted to learn that Prakash could speak and hear like others. Dr. Venkataramaiah was overwhelmed at what the hypnotist had done, and offered his hearty congratulations: “You are really great. Hypnotism is a wonderful science.” Next week too the hypnotist sent the patient to the deep hypnotic sleep and succeeded in making Prakash regain his power of speech and hearing by passing mental magnetic vibrations over his body. In that trance Prakash disclosed that it would take another six months for him to be completely cured of the right ear disablement; and appealed to the hypnotist not to bother about it till then. He said specifically that the sin of his previous birth would by then be redeemed, with regard to hearing. When questioned, about his previous existence. Prakash made bare certain details which appeared to be startling. During the seventh birth of his previous reincarnation Prakash was a Malayalam Pundit, deeply conversant with astrology and extra-sensory perception. By great austerity and practice he had acquired certain powers of the mind. When once again he was subjected to the trance a few days later, he gave an identical statement. Even by some slip, he did not commit any mistake as to the place he was born, his home and parents, the occupation of the family and such other details that none could suspect of any variation. At that stage an idea flashed to the hypnotists mind, and he started rationalizing “Certain things are buried deep down Prakash’s sub-conscious mind, with all the ‘rationale’ behind them. As the sub-conscious mind takes regression, it is possible to let out many hidden things, about the previous existence. Whatever the frequency of experimentation, there was no evidence of any flaw in the narration. Statements so released were identical, they did not change, when the experiment was conducted after an elopement of time. Then the hypnotist resolved to carry on research on these lines. The substance of his undertaking revolved round a single phenomenon: “ Is it not possible to bring up all that is hidden in the sub-conscious mind, on to the conscious plane ? ” One morning the hypnotist started off afresh with Prakash subjecting him to deep trance, by sending ‘mental magnetic vibrations’ for an hour and made a strong suggestion to his mind in the nature of a ‘resolution’. The intention behind this was to explore in full about the details related to the Malayalam pundit, so that his experiences might get projected without a blemish on Prakash’s conscious mind. 15 days hence there was a tremendous transformation in Prakash’s mind. It had absorbed the personality of this Pundit who had lived about 900 years ago. Without any forewarning Prakash started playing the role of the Pundit - this was noticeable in the behavioral metamorphosis as well as speech pattern. Now he began reading the palms of those who approached him, predicting the major events of their past, present and future life. At least things that had happened during their current existence tallied so perfectly well that they were astonished at his abilities. Besides, he reeled off many cantos of the holy scriptures in Malayalam so fluently like a scholar, although he did not know the ABC of Malayalam language. His predictions, astronomical calculations, astrological forecasts, done in flawless Malayalam, stunned his parents and all others that came in touch with him. His style of thought and meticulous pronunciation in that language were indeed an extraordinary surprise to his parents and well-wishers. Moreover he was able to read the minds of other people easily at first sight, telepathy or thought reading. Another facet of his personality was also revealed: clairvoyance. Hard cases, almost given up, are now brought before him; where medicine had failed, he succeeded in sprinkling water over their head chanting some hymn. Miraculously though, these patients experienced remarkable improvement and were cured. Some knowledgeable ones wanted to test Prakash’s ability as a scholar; and he was found to be competent in the field, on being tested completely. “No doubt, he is a genius” was the verdict pronounced by those who met Prakash. On being asked how he mastered the several arts and sciences, his answer was simple enough. He told them that he had mastered 48 spirits in that existence. As such he commanded them to fulfill his behests. These spirits were perfectly under his control, carrying out instructions faithfully. At his bidding they gave him the nature of the future as desired. Now the hypnotist realized that the awareness of previous birth or reincarnation offered clues. For the first time he discovered the path that lay for any progress of the individual existence, especially so, in the case of patients branded abnormal by psychologists and psychiatrists. When he pointed out this truth to the professionals, they grew rather bewildered. After discharge from institute of mental health Prakash demonstrated the qualities of his previous birth, talents, sensibility, capabilities and so on for a little over a year. Meanwhile the hypnotist too made trips to his home village of Prakash for confirmation of the particulars. During this period Prakash had made himself the Centre of attraction. People used to throng together for consultation. In turn he had cured many cases by performing his knowledge of mystic sciences. Many mental patients had got the cure at his hands. In addition he showed the people feats of super-human power. All this propaganda paid Prakash rich dividend and it is said that he earned around Rs. 40,000 or so during that year of his transmigration. This amount was ear-marked for a definite purpose as was made known by Prakash. That is, his desire was to construct a Bhagavati Temple in Kerala, the land of his previous birth. Often he had expressed this wish of a visit there. On request the hypnotist decided to dehypnotize Prakash. He was successful in bringing Prakash back to the present life from the experiences of his previous birth. In course of time, Prakash forgot all about the past and accepted his present position. The address of Prakash is furnished hereunder for convenience, if reference is necessary: Prakash S/o Shivanna, Jaggery Merchant, SantheSaragur, Heggada Devana Kote Taluk, Mysore District, Karnataka, India. ** ** ** I have met with subjects who could reveal their knowledge of other languages, totally unknown to them during the present life; and could see that they did not have any conscious knowledge of their utterances. Some have come out with vivid descriptions of places and countries far remote from their present living, which on verification have been very true. It is possible to regress a subject to as many lives as one wishes to delve into. Many of my subjects, like Prakash and others could describe many past lives when I put them into regression. All said and done none could forget one great hurdle - and this seems to be the experience or encounter that all hypnotherapists ought to face- and that is, most of the lives during hypnotic regression are found to be related to either too remote in history to be traced or very difficult to seek any access to the events that happened during the period of those lives. But in some cases they have been checked and found to be correct. Thus, after having found success and satisfaction in many public hypnotic stage shows and past life regression at various places, I decided to continue research on reincarnation and mental diseases as a hobby and also continue my profession as a general medical practitioner. My interest in my hobby lead me to start, 1. Medical Hypnotic Cure Clinic in 1973. 2. Reincarnation Research Centre in 1980. 3. Punarjanma - English monthly journal. 4. New Doctrine on Mental Diseases and Review 6. Sarthakatha - Kannada monthly journal. 6. Sarthakatha Novel and Review 7. Books Published to Resuscitation of human moral values and For Spiritual Revolution to establish a better world order. The result of which you will see in the next uploads.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:45:50 +0000

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