The Day Of and The Day After The Rapture - TopicsExpress


The Day Of and The Day After The Rapture Hello America and ALL of planet Earth. The Lord Yeshua said, “Get up, hear Me and write, for there are some things I want to say to ALL of my precious humans! There are some things I want to reveal unto them; things that will affect the way they think concerning my coming for my Bride; the rapture of the church.” “In all of Hollywood, there is not a screen writer or even a movie director who can come up with a movie that will tell of the horrors about to come upon this my planet!” For the past three weeks or so Father God has been speaking to me, this message; a little here and a little there. I have been at work and all of a sudden He would begin to tell me things and I would begin to weep, I would have to go and find a place of privacy. Now, Yeshua(JESUS) said, “It is time to share with MY BELOVED, those things I have been speaking to you.” Please, understand, all that Jesus wants for us, is to lavish His love on us, all of humanity, every human being! Also remember I am His watchman to the world. I must do as He has directed me. I must write that which He has put on my heart and in my mind by the HOLY GHOST. I must give warning to EVERY PERSON ON THE EARTH! On a day, whether it be in the morning time for you, or noon time or night time, because it will be one of those times for people on this planet; Yeshua will be told by The Father, “SON, GO GET YOUR BRIDE!” The Holy Bible I THESSALONIANS 4:16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 1THESSALONIANS 4:17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. This, my fellow humans, will be the greatest as well as the worst event to take place, in all of human history! None bigger, none greater, by far the biggest event to touch humanity! I can’t seem to emphasize this point enough. This is actually going to happen, no ifs, no maybes, no I don’t knows about that, none of the doubtful phrases you have said or heard concerning the Rapture. Oh, here is the classic phrase, “I have heard it before, my granddad said it, his daddy said it, my mom said it, it won’t happen in my life time.” What we, the created beings, seem to forget is, JESUS does not lie. The Holy Bible John 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:2 In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. On that day, over a third of the planets population will suddenly disappear! Mommies will wake up to empty cribs, husbands will wonder what has happened to their wives. Wives will wonder what has happened to their husbands. Daddies and mommies will wonder what has become of their little children. You see, not only will the church be raptured up, but also the innocent will be taken up. All babies will be gone, there will be no pregnant mothers! No births after the rapture. Barren. No new life. All children under the age of accountability will be gone. Suddenly and swiftly, vanished, gone to be with their Yeshua! The entire world’s economic system will collapse. Many people in the work force will suddenly be gone! No one to do the jobs, no one to do the work. On that day there will be no job shortages, but who can think of such things at a time as this! The work places will be in utter turmoil. Businesses in absolute chaos! Remember, all who look to and love the appearing of Jesus will be gone. All of God’s Saints will have left the planet. Planes with no pilots, buses with no drivers, tractor-trailer trucks with no drivers, cars and pickups leaving the road. These driverless vehicles will crash into all manner of things; houses, skyscrapers, all of this will cause explosions. Fires out of control! Depleted fire and police departments can’t handle all the calls. A depleted first responders team, ambulances, doctors, nurses and emts. Response to these fires, crashes and injuries will be slow in coming, because many of the responders will have been taken up in the rapture. Food shortages will happen quickly, many of the farmers will be with Jesus. NO dairy farmers, no milk, no cheese, no butter. NO chicken farmers, no eggs, no kfc. NO cattle ranchers, no burgers or steaks. NO corn, NO beans, NO fresh fruits, etc. I think it is kind of strange how in some places in the United States there are people gathering things together(hoarding), storing up supplies; food and water, guns and ammunition. These people are calledDoomsday Preppers. It is as if there is an unseen force compelling them to do this. That may not be a bad idea, especially if you do not know Jesus a Savior and Lord. Worst of all, NO PEACE! When we, the Church go up, so will the peace of God and His Holy Spirit. Yeshua will take His peace back! Then, the wrath of GOD will be unleashed upon humanity! There will be total anarchy. There will be absolute lawlessness. No conscious to keep you from right and wrong. Remember, police forces and even the military will be depleted! President Obama, will recruit anyone he can to fill these police and military openings! It will be all of the (hidden) Muslim and Islamic terrorist groups that have been infiltrating the United States for years! Marshall Law will be in effect all over this nation! Curfews will be in effect all over the planet; in your house or inside by dark. Marshall Law will be in effect all over the planet! Looters will be shot on sight. Mother Nature will go crazy; earthquakes-8-9&10s, super typhoons and hurricanes-cat 6&7s. Extreme drought and severe cold will be the norm. There will be real fuel shortages, coal, oil, gas and natural gas. THEN THE WORST OF ALL WILL TAKE PLACE! That will be in next weeks message. So, dont miss it! There is hope and help NOW. Repent and receive Jesus (Yeshua) as Savior and Lord today. The Holy Bible JOHN 3 : 17 : For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. You can choose Yeshua and go with Him in the rapture or rebel and be left behind to face: THE DAYS AFTER. This watchman has shared his burden with you. With love, yours in Christ Jesus, The Lord’s Servant
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:40:52 +0000

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