The Day the Belgians came to Teesdale A WWI Tale December - TopicsExpress


The Day the Belgians came to Teesdale A WWI Tale December 1914 the war has been raging in Europe for nearly 5 months. In the east Russia is defending her borders from a German /Austro-Hungarian on slaught. In the west the Germans have swept through Belgium to attack France. This drew England into the war. England having a treaty with Belgium, guaranteeing her borders from attack. The Germans used the shiefflin plan that required them to go through neutral Belgium which they did. In August 1914 England had declared WAR on Germany! One of the consequences of this attack were that a lot of Belgian civilians were driven from there homes on New years eve 1914 some of them found themselves in the north east of England .In a dale in south west Durham... A large crowd had gathered by the Barriers of the train station in Barnard castle on Thursday the 31st of December 1914 they were here to meet a new group of arrivals from Europe who were fleeing the war. On the platform of the station a Miss A.m Scara ma.,miss Walton, H walker GP. and J .I Dawson all members of the war emergency committee ,were awaiting the arrivals .A group of local residents travelled to London to escort the refugees back to Barnard castle . They were Miss M. A. Smith.(Grove park) and Miss Molly smith (Galgate). Who were travelling the great north railway bringing the refugees to Barnard castle for the duration of the war. Upon arrival at the station the refugees must have been a sight. Mothers with there babes in arms. Children crying and streaked with tears. There men bitter and angry at been driven from there homes . However they were not friendless. As they passed from the station to the large cars that had been sent to meet them a thunderous cheer went up from the crowd for the refugees. They had if Propaganda was to believed, Been through Hell. The dreaded Bosh .were raping killing and torturing civilians en-mass. Tales of such horror had even arrived in Teesdale. Many a son from the Dale were in France fighting.So when these victims of the war arrived in Teesdale. The people of Teesdale gave them that well known Teesdale hospitality Miss Molly Smith who had spent time in Belgium before the war and who spoke French fluently acted as translator for the group who expressed there gratitude to the good people of Barney for there generous welcome. In all there were ten persons and there families in this first batch of arrivals they were. Mr and Mrs Beckers and there two Children aged three and two who from Ypres .Ydea Huysamans and her daughter. Mde smetu and her grandson Francis Smetu aged seven years who were from Malinee .Mr and Mrs Guisenserts and there daughter aged seven who were from Antwerp All were working class people . They all looked tired from there Journey and were loaded into the cars after walking among the gathered crowds and saying hello to some of the excited residents gathered . The group were billeted in houses in Startforth for the duration of the War. The following Monday a quiet different group of Refugees arrived at the station in Barnard castle these were from Belgium but were of Middle class all were from Antwerp and were given there own residence in Barnard castle . The former homes of Miss Smith 5 Queen street.They were supplied also with a car. That was provided by a Miss Stobart of Barnard castle. The names of the Refugees were -Jean Josephs,Jean Parasares,Carolus,Marie,and Louis Otinis and an elderly couple Matildia and Josheph Pract who had two sons missing in the Belgium army. They were all met at Darlington station on the Monday evenining .A Mr. Wiseman took five cars through to collect them all and take them to there temporary home in Queen street Barnard castle . Where they stayed until the end of the war .I wonder if any stayed and if any of there descendants are around Barney today?...... Pic Belgian refugees in Middleton in WWI (not sure these are same refugees as in the story friends *sources -Teesdale mercury archive and local records
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:44:18 +0000

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