The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports that a school board has - TopicsExpress


The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports that a school board has decided to use the Prentice Hall’s “World History” taught in the 10th-grade classes, which includes a 32-page chapter about the spread of Islam, but glosses over the violence of Islam. The book does not give the same treatment or space to Christianity. Why? The school board is going against the will of the parents. The history books by Prentice Hall promotes a politically correct version of history, as does many other text books and Common Core promotes these history books. These text books present a revisionist history on the perspective of Islam. Where is the ACLU? They have removed the teachings of Christian materials from our schools and they are behind the removal of Christian materials and activity from our military, so why not equal treatment for Islam? The ACLU and other far left groups would be in court suing over separation of church and state and the establishment clause of the first amendment. Yet here they are grave yard quiet. Why? These textbooks are being promoted and defended by the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR). This organization is a co-conspirator in the largest terrorist funding case in US history, the Holy Land Foundation trial. I strongly suggest that you read the “Explanatory Memorandum of the Muslim Brotherhood Strategic Goal for North America” written by Mohammed Akram. This is about your children and grandchildren being brainwashed. You decide how important this little assignment is. This document was uncovered in 1991 during an FBI raid of a home in northern Virginia. When you read this document, you’ll realize this textbook is just part of a grand strategic goal to transform our nation as Obama said he would. These textbooks represents the stealth jihad and they are being used in our schools across America. So parents do you want your children and grandchildren to become puppets of the Muslim Brotherhood? Then don’t take my word for this, but get involved in what is being taught to your children and grandchildren. This is no game. This is about the minds of the next generation who will become your Senators and Congressman. The Muslim Brotherhood already has a puppet in the White House. The only way to defeat this enemy is for you as a parent or grandparent to become educated on the designs of Islamic totalitarianism. God warns us in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children.” Do not put this off but act now, before this perversion is embedded into the minds of our children. The Council for American Islamic Relations or CAIR is nothing more a dressed up front of the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s right the same people killing Christians at will in the Middle East. Wake up people we have snakes in our tents. The Ikhwan, “brotherhood,” a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood is hard at work right here in American with the goal of destroying our nation and turning our own children into their slaves through brain washing. Just as the Obama administration knew about the problems with Obamacare yet they jammed it down our throats, they know about this and they are attempting to slip it past us quietly. They can succeed only if we sit passively by and do nothing. If you think what I am telling you is not a serious problem ask any Egyptian whose side they believe President Obama supports. It is not the side of our American values. Don’t forget, the jihadist terrorist attack at Ft. Hood is still officially classified by the Obama administration as “workplace violence.” Why is this not a major news story for the mainstream media? Yes, the mainstream media is as much our enemy as any other terror group. You can treat this information with contempt and go about life as if all is well or you can get your head out of the sand and take action. Americans it is time to report to duty.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:01:35 +0000

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