The Death of Alexander the Great. (10th June 323 BC). Last ever - TopicsExpress


The Death of Alexander the Great. (10th June 323 BC). Last ever video on Alexander the Greats campaigns as his birthday week has come to an end. Very personal and from the heart this one. A lot to discuss: I talk about the final two years of Alexanders life, the punishment of his governors (satraps) at Susa in 324 BC, the mutiny at Opus by his soldiers 324 BC, Alexanders death on the 10th June 323 BC at Babylon, briefly the Babylonian settlement of the Diadochi (Alexanders generals) and the Hellenistic World and Alexanders legacy. I also give my theories on the causes of his untimely death, where possibly the tomb or body of Alexander could be and why Alexander is important to the modern world. I also recommend some reading and films to watch for those who are interested in historys greatest military commander. Including Oliver Stones Alexander and the Richard Burton Alexander film and the ancient sources. I leave you with a quote from the greatest Greek historian and general ever to serve in the Roman Army, Arrian, and his opinion of Alexander the Great: If any writer wants to reproach Alexander, he should not do so by bringing together all those actions of his he considers reproachable, but rather he should review everything that Alexander did altogether, and then let him consider what sort of a man he is himself, and what sort of success he has achieved, before he reproaches a man like Alexander who reached the peak of human success, undisputed king of both continents, whose name reached every corner of the world; since I the writer himself am a meaner person who has pursued trivial goals and not even achieved these. In my opinion, there was no race of men, no city in those times, not even a single man the name of Alexander had not reached. So I do not believe that a man without equal in all the world would have been born without the involvement of the divine. Oracles are said to have shown this at the time of Alexander’s death, and visions and dreams came to different people; so too the honour paid to Alexander by men up to the present day and the greater than human memory of him; even now after so many years further oracles in his honour have been granted to the Macedonian people. I have myself criticised in this history some of Alexander’s actions, but I’m not ashamed of my admiration of Alexander himself. I have criticised some actions because of the truth in my opinion, and at the same time to emphasise the benefit for men; I started on this history for that reason... - Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander. Book VII. 28-30 I would like to thank in no particular order: Kyle Erickson, Errietta Bissa, James Richardson, James Thorne, Marta Garcia Morcillo, Matthew Cobb, Magdalana Ohrman, Geoff Lee, Alexander Meus, Jane Draycott, Pauline Hanesworth, Oliver Stone, Ancient Warfare Magazine, the British Army and countless scholars and ancient people who have inspired me through my life. All my love to my family and friends. :) Note: I have read all the ancient sources (Arrian, Plutarch, Diodorus, Justin and Quintus Curtius Rufus etc) at University and far too many scholars throughout my life on this subject. This has all been from memory. Thank you for putting up with me and my passion for the ancients. I may return on YouTube with more Ancient Warfare videos in the distant future...
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 14:07:19 +0000

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