The Declaration of Independence has a thoroughly anarchist spirit, - TopicsExpress


The Declaration of Independence has a thoroughly anarchist spirit, however the Constitution is the document that declared the establishment of the new Statist slavery under new political masters. As long as a group gives itself the moral right to rule over and tax its subjects this sets the stage for the massive corruption and abuse that is characteristic of any government that has ever existed. As long as a government is willing to use violence to enforce its mandates and threats onto the people, it cannot be considered a peaceful or non-interventionist institution in any respect. There are basically two methods of interacting with people; voluntarily and forcefully. The key is to clearly distinguish which one guides most of our lives and brings about happiness, freedom, and prosperity and which one occasionally interferes in our lives and brings about misery, suffering, and despair. The former is the way of civilized men and women. The latter is the way of the beasts. - DC
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 21:47:38 +0000

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