The Definition of Conservative: adj – 1. Favoring traditional - TopicsExpress


The Definition of Conservative: adj – 1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. a. Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism. b. Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement. This is a very limited view of the Conservative Ideology. As a lifelong Conservative I agree that yes we favor Traditionalist views and values. Such as “Country” and “Family” first. But unlike the websters we realize that change is inevitable. But our resistance to change hinges on NOT changing our freedoms or liberties (Bush was no Conservative!). We believe in things like the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. We believe we dont need large government controlling our lives or liberties. We believe in a hand-up, not a hand-out. We believe that everyone deserves the right to succeed or fail on their own. But will be there to help them back to their feet to try again! We believe in a Strong Armed Forces, not in drafting people into service. But to provide pay and benefits of sunstantial value that will keep our volunteer forces viable. And to protect them for those who have served. The right of states to organize militia and the right of the people to bear arms for such purposes. These are the teeth given us, the People, by the aforementioned documents. We believe that when a government gets beyond the control of the very people it is supposed to represent and obey, that it is our right and duty to abolish such government and institute a new one to further protect our liberties. We believe the government is designed to serve its people, not the other way around. We charge them with the responsibility for and the performance of many duties. First of which is the payment of our Countries Debts (According to Article 1 of the Consititution). The forming and maintaining of our Military and the overseeing of our common good and interests as a nation. Not in their comfort or riches. And wherever American lives are threatened to respond. If not to defend, then to avenge. We believe in the Free Market system, but we oppose corporate greed that runs contrary to the good of the nation. We believe in a persons right to protect themselves and their family and property. We believe that the Law and Justice should be obtainable by anyone, not just those that can afford it. That education for all should be the tool, knowledge the goal and the sharing of that knowledge to be the highest purpose. We believe that how you worship is between you and your God. We put no religion before any other, not even our own. This includes the right to not believe. We do not dictate, mandate or enforce any will other than the will of the People. We believe that to serve the People as a “Public Servant” is and should be free of charge. That offices held by those sworn by oath to protect and defend the Constitution are not doorways to profit or a life of luxury and power. There is no greater service that the service of your fellow man. We believe in strong borders and the right to petition to legally join our country and become citizens and productive members of our society. And finally we believe in the ideal, the concept, the history and the promise of America!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 08:20:40 +0000

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