The Democrat mantra that tries to portray the Tea Party and - TopicsExpress


The Democrat mantra that tries to portray the Tea Party and Republicans as waging a war against women... like many of the tenets and planks of Democrat Party policy - is based on a fundamental lie. A majority of the active and articulate Tea Party advocates I have talked with both in person and via social media have been women. These women respect themselves, respect their gender, and equally important they respect political leaders for what they advocate and believe in - rather than as worshiping them like groupies blindly following a charismatic leader/rock star. If a conservative or Tea Party or Republican or Libertarian leader starts advocating policies or specific legislation that promotes big government or more government control or promotes socialist goals - these women will NOT make excuses for that leader - they will call him out on it. By contrast, Democrat followers of Obama accept the most absurd bullshit excuses and blindly go into denial regardless of how clear-cut the evidence to the contrary is. Fast & Furious, the IRS targeting of political adversaries of the left, IRS official taking the 5th, the NSA spying, the continuation of the Patriot Act - Guantanamo - hint: its still open, the pathetic tsk-tsk reaction to Russian actions regarding Crimea and the Ukraine, the many, many lies - about Benghazi - ObamaCare, spending $100M a year on vacations, over $30M this year and its only March. Spending over $500M in a non-bid contract to a crony for that crappy website? ObamaCare - worse than we imagined it would be - and its not even half-way in place yet. Using the executive branch and the department of justice to further Democrat political goals - by ignoring some laws and re-writing others by imaginative reinterpretation. NO - its not George Bushs fault - NO its not the Republicans in Congress at fault. The Democrats have had control of the economy since 2007 - if you think you are better off today, then (a) you must be a lifer on welfare and food stamps, or (b) you must be a privileged, wealthy recipient of federal contracts - because for the rest of us, we are mostly, considerably worse off today. If you think the Democrats are the best choice - I invite you to take a good look at Detroit where Democrats have been running the place for decades. If you want to see what Republicans can do - look at Wisconsin, under Gov Walker. In spite of the nations economy being in the toilet under Democrat leadership - Wisconsin is now thriving and getting better, has gone from being in budget trouble to having a budget surplus and is cutting taxes, unemployment is down, and the tax cut will help make things even better - which will generate more revenue for the state. When the private sector is doing well, the middle-class grows - more demand for labor translates into higher wages and lower unemployment. When the federal government grows - the economy stagnates, the overall standard of living declines, and in the worst case scenario (rule by socialists) the middle-class will eventually disappear.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:41:41 +0000

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