The Democratic Party compliments its policy of domestic robbery - TopicsExpress


The Democratic Party compliments its policy of domestic robbery with corporate theft and imperial war around the world. Obama and the Democratic Party have given imperialism a humanitarian face. The Party of Obama wants to destabilize Syria with just as much fervor as the Republicans, giving billions of US dollars and military equipment to various factions of jihadi mercenaries. Much of this assistance conveniently ended up in the hands of ISIS, the new bogey-man of Washingtons creation. Whether one analyzes US imperialism’s presence in the Ukraine, Venezuela, Syria, or Iraq, the Democratic Party in Washington is at the forefront of waging a global war against sovereignty for the banks, military contractors, and oil corporations looking to cash in on the dismembering of the 21st century axis of resistance led by Russia and China. Additionally, the Democratic Presidency of Barack Obama has dropped more drones on Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and numerous other Mid-East and African countries than the Republicans did under Bush. Israel, the settler state brother country of the US, received a pay raise from the Obama Administration to murder Palestinians during Operation Protective Edge. After thousands of Palestinian deaths and demolished homes, Democratic Party celebrity Elizabeth Warren had the audacity to reinforce Israels right to self defense. Senator Bernie Sanders, another darling of the Democratic Party establishment, possesses Israeli citizenship and fully endorsed Israel as it massacred the indigenous Palestinian population. US imperialism is furthering the exploitation of workers and oppressed people in the US and strangling the world’s people abroad. The role of the Democratic Party in this system is to keep oppressed people trapped in the political orbit of imperialism. Washington’s blue dogs are the self-proclaimed left anchor of a sinking ship. However, with the Democratic Party moving ever so close to the Republican Party politically, the ruling class has had to employ White liberals and the Black misleadership class to intoxicate the masses with urgent calls to vote for the the Democratic Party.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:35:54 +0000

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