The Depopulation Agenda of The American Red Cross The - TopicsExpress


The Depopulation Agenda of The American Red Cross The Illuminati was secretly formed by several Freemasons in Bavaria in 1776; Alfred Cowles of Cowles RC Christian, Henry P. Davison, senior partner of Morgan Guaranty Trust. They are also the ones that built the Georgia Guidestones in 1979 to Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Henry P Davidson is the One of the Founding Fathers of (ARC ) American Red Cross = ‘rose croix’ or ‘rosy cross’ or Rosicrucian (but it ended up in one of those Scottish degrees and Templars . The Rosicrucians, founded by the Templars as a sister organization to Freemasonry but serving a different purpose, were darker and more secretive. Even today, it cannot be ascertained where and when this organization was founded. It has circulated various documents and legends (such as the suggestion that their order first arose in the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt) most of which contain little or no truth Red Cross= Freemasons. Sandpoint, Idaho — The American Red Cross (ARC) is widely considered a great American institution. It is generally thought of as among the world’s premier humanitarian organizations. Clearly, almost everyone thinks of it as a life-saving agency. Most people know this non-governmental organization (NGO) to be heavily dependent upon the blood and currency generously donated by the American people. But, what if all of the above is untrue? What if everything you think you know about the American Red Cross is a ghastly nauseating lie? My name is Dr. Leonard Horowitz. What I am about to share with you is deeply disturbing, yet potentially life-saving. The American Red Cross is not what it appears to be, and I urge you to continue reading so that you learn what the ARC really represents. Let me begin by telling you a bit about myself, and about my bias. For the past ten years I have been conducting health science and U.S. Government cover-up investigations as an independent, Harvard-trained, award-winning medical journalist and internationally recognized authority in public health. To briefly summarize my training, in 1977 I received my doctorate in medical dentistry from Tufts University in Boston. I later received several advanced degree. One in public health from Harvard University. I joined the faculties at Tufts University and Harvard. I directed an alternative health center for more than a decade. In the early 1980s, the Associated Press featured my work as a trendsetter. My clinic integrated dentistry with general medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, nutrition, massage, homeopathy, and other “alternative” methods of healing. Between 1990 and 1993 I personally trained nearly 30,000 healthcare professionals in dental and medical infection control according to OSHA standards. At that time I was the chief professional advisor for the largest dental and medical catalog supply company in the world. In 1999, I won the prestigious “Author of the Year Award” from the World Natural Health Organization for my tenth book. This became my first bestseller. It is called Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional? Government health officials have said this book is largely responsible for America’s rapidly growing anti-vaccination movement. The blood banking industry is meticulously explored here as well. For my work in exposing the global military-medical-industrial complex, I have been christened, “the King David of alternative medicine versus the omnipotent Goliath of slash, burn, and poison medicine” by consumer health advocates. Suffice it to say, I have been extremely critical of petrochemical/pharmaceutical/blood banking industrialists for suppressing more information than they have been telling. Including potentially lifesaving information that could stem the rising epidemics of cancer, autoimmune diseases, and much, much more. In the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, unlike most Americans, I was appalled by the outpouring of support, not as much to the families of the attack victims, but to the American Red Cross as a go-between. Based on the information and documentation I published in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?, certain individuals that control the ARC are, in fact, as much to blame for the terrorist attacks on America, and “America’s New War,” as Osama Bin Ladin and Afghanistan’s Taliban government. Before you call me crazy and junk this premise entirely, let me explain by giving you a little background on the people who run the American Red Cross. This is little preview of my American bestseller. Background Intelligence on the American Red Cross Founded in 1881 by American humanitarian Clara Barton, the American Red Cross (officially named The American National Red Cross) was first chartered by the U.S. Congress in 1900. A second charter, still in force, was granted in 1905. Not long after, however, John D. Rockefeller pirated the entire blood banking industry, along with the administrative leadership of the ARC. As you will soon learn, this quintessential coup de tats represented more than a glorious economic opportunity. The takeover of the ARC, and the entire blood industry, was apparently required to fulfill a far more sinister, even occult-linked, political objective-eugenics management for a racially purified planet. To begin, during this time, John D. Rockefeller and his associates were making a concerted effort to control the entire field of medicine in America. During the 1890s, Rockefeller interests in medical education and “scientific medicine” were spearheaded by Frederick T. Gates, John D. Rockefeller’s investment manager. 1901 saw the founding of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. In 1902, Rockefeller’s General Education Board was founded with a mission to annihilate the causes of racial discords. This agenda was clarified two years later with the publication of John D. Rockefeller’s Occasional Letter No. 1 in which he detailed his plans to mold Americans to his concept of “perfect human nature.” This, he claimed, might best be accomplished by destroying parental influence, traditions and customs, while reducing national intelligence levels. As the deadly virus of Ebola is killing dozens of people every day, by those who receive treatments and injections from the Red Cross before the Ebola outbreak in Africa, Guinea,and Sierra Leone.”
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 16:54:09 +0000

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