The Despicably Gory Japanese Faroese Bloody Cultural Exchange - TopicsExpress


The Despicably Gory Japanese Faroese Bloody Cultural Exchange Program Japanese Whalers To Join in the Grindarap in September The Faroese whalers seem to be needing some moral support these days and to give them that support they will be getting a visit from some Japanese whalers. Apparently the Japanese whalers want to show the Faroese how to deal with Sea Shepherd, not that they have been having much success themselves considering the recent verdict by the International Court of Justice which has ruled their whaling operations have been unlawful. The Japanese whalers have asked the Faroese if they can participate in the Grindadrap. They also want to invite some Faroese whalers to come to Japan to kill a few dolphins, you know just for shits and giggles. This will be interesting. How will the Faroese justify Japanese whalers killing pilot whalers as part of their culture? That’s a long way to come at great expense to get some whale meat. Of course the real reason for the trip is to indulge in their lust of killing. Will the Faroes become the place for psychopaths to come to satisfy their perversions similar to pedophiles heading to Thailand to indulge in their particular nasty fantasy? Have the Japanese whalers become so frustrated by being unable to kill all the whales that they wish to travel to the Faroe Islands to indulge in a blood sport? Is this the start of a Japanese do it yourself whale kill tourist adventure? Come to the Faroe Islands and get your hands bloodied as you partake in a quaint custom of killing whales with the locals. Will the Faroes become the Mecca of every sick whale-killing psychopath on the planet? The Japanese whalers are due to arrive on September 4th. They will most likely feel right at home with the waters turning red with blood and the screams of dying cetaceans ringing in their ears. They will feel at home with the fact that both the Japanese and the Faroese have the highest levels of methyl-mercury in their bodies. They could have a competition to see whose brains are the most diminished by mercury. And of course they will fill right at home with the sight of so many Sea Shepherd volunteers sporting the Jolly Roger logo, the same logo that has made their lives miserable in the Southern Ocean and in Taiji, Japan. A meeting of like-minded bloody cetacean killers in a gore splattered blood soaked cultural exchange program – isn’t that really special? Japanese: We kill dolphins and whales. We love to kill dolphins and whales. Faroese: Really wow, we love to kill dolphins and whales to. Japanese: We must be brothers of another mother, so much in common. Faroese: We hate Sea Shepherd. Japanese: Wow, we hate Sea Shepherd too. What a coincidence. We should party. Faroese: Great idea, lets go kill some pilot whales and some dolphins. Japanese: Yes lets have some fun. We can kill whales together. Faroese: Yes, maybe we can go to your country and kill dolphins later. Japanese: That would be fun but Sea Shepherd takes all the fun away. They are crazy anti-killing people. Faroese: Yes it’s incredible they are against killing whales and even cows. God hates them. Japanese: Yes our Gods hate them too. They are very unGodlike. What’s the point of having animals if we can’t kill them. Faroese: Yes God gave us these whales to kill. These Sea Shepherd crazy people are working against God’s will. Japanese: The only good whale is a dead whale. Faroese: Same goes for Sea Shepherd evil people for wanting to save dolphins. How sick is that?
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 23:30:40 +0000

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