The Difference between great Appreciation and Love. In my working - TopicsExpress


The Difference between great Appreciation and Love. In my working years I greatly appreciated my job. My job was the means by which I provided for my family- whom I loved. My job was a means to an end- the welfare of myself and my family. I now want to extend this premise to the love I have for Christ and the appreciation I have for Bible doctrine. My appreciation for doctrine takes on a facet of love ONLY because it is Gods means to an end- eternal life. Once in heaven I will have no reason for doctrine because it will have accomplished what it was intended to accomplish. My end-goal is to eternally revel in a state of personal love for Jesus. I have stated this for this purpose: We, as a body of Apostolic believers, should never become so in love with our doctrine (which is only the means to desired end- result) that it exceeds our love for Christ himself. We certainly must greatly appreciate the truth, but must love the objective of doctrine more than the doctrine itself. This was the case with the Pharasees , scribes, and Sadducees- they loved their scriptural doctrine more than they loved their God. I sense that a few persons within our church movement need to realign their thinking regarding this matter; their witness has totally become one of doctrinal knowledge, circumventing the root reason for doctrine. Sinners will respond to Christs love for them as seen through us- NOT solely through doctrinal logistics on how to get to heaven. That will be needed later. We all, first, must return to tour first love- that being Jesus- but then continue to appreciate our doctrine. Remember: Nobody cares what you know until they know that you care. In closing: Oh how I truly appreciate the doctrine of our salvation message, but Oh, Oh, Oh how I love Him! Let Christ be seen in me first and not just one seen as an encyclopedia of Biblical doctrine. - Buck.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 00:24:34 +0000

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