The Difficult Crossings Eduardo Sardão Sample of the ebook The - TopicsExpress


The Difficult Crossings Eduardo Sardão Sample of the ebook The Difficult Crossings. Introduction Life is a great difficult crossing. Every man and woman on Earth has to strive for self-realization, facing battle after battle. The vast majority of human beings are lost, immersed in the world and not remembering who they really are. The citizen of Modernity does not remember the Individual. The consensual conformity does not allow any opening on the individual and one’s life for the harmonization with the Individual. The consensual conformity prevents at all costs that the individual remembers the Self and becomes free. The suffering caused by that is incalculable. The human being has been ignorant and hollow since time immemorial on Earth. Humanity is living a singular time though. A great cycle of the Earth’s cosmic dance began in 21 December 2012. A new age began for those who inhabit the Blue Planet, regardless of the way they feel about it. The endings and beginnings of cycle are troubled times, because the old has to give space for the new. The time is even more troubled when the ending and beginning are of a cosmic cycle. The change is very intense in such times. As a result, the suffering caused by the change and the possibilities that it offers are also very intense. The problem of Humanity is that ignorance is immense, both in the individual, caused by the consensual conformity, as in the society, which resists the changes necessary for evolution. Humanity is the dominant species of Earth, and it is up to it the responsibility for the leadership of the evolutionary process of the planet. The Earth and Humanity are one thing only. The human being has forgotten that, and that Humanity has no place to run if the Earth becomes very sick. The Humanity forgot that there is the Order. The Individual is dragging and impelling every man and woman, Humanity and Earth for the planet to realize the change to the next evolutionary level. The Individual is the Order. The Individual is offering Humanity the possibility to realize the change by own choice, and so decrease the work and suffering required for the evolutionary leap. The problem is that Humanity insists on ignorance, forgetting that the change is happening one way or the other. Thus, the evolutionary leap of the new age is inevitable. The greater the difficulty caused by Humanity’s resistance, the greater are the work and suffering required for it to realize the change. That is the great difficult crossing of our time, and the Individual is still offering Humanity the way to initiate the evolutionary leap by own choice. The question is how long the Individual will hold the great storm so that Humanity prepares for it. After the great storm reaches the planet, Humanity and Earth will realize the great difficult crossing of the new age’s beginning, whether or not they are prepared for this. The Individual is Absolute. The Difficult Crossings I March 2013 The essay presents the author’s interpretation of the surrealist painting studied. The painting image is necessary to read and understand the text. Work: The Difficult Crossing, René Magritte, 1926. The painting has on the foreground a white mannequin with an eye before a white table with a white male left hand holding a red pigeon. The table has a white left leg backwards as one of the supports. There is a dark curtain fixed over the mannequin’s head. Wooden frames are along the walls. The curtain extends behind the frame on the right of the mannequin. The house has regular shape. The floor and walls are in salmon color and the ceiling is light grey with dark spots. There is a front elevation with stairs on the left. There is a front opening for a dark and rough sea with a storm. The mannequin gazes at the rough sea, seeming scared and determined. The mannequin observes the hand holding the pigeon. Ships are fighting the storm to cross the rough sea. The title indicates that the phenomenon in the painting is the difficult crossings. The mannequin with an eye is the human being as an individual. The man or woman is isolated from the masses. He or she is the protagonist of the conflict. The mannequin’s shape is that of the number 1, as the challenge has to be overcome by an account of oneself. The eye is the individual’s consciousness as observer and protagonist. The mannequin is half white and half grey, and its lower part is slightly darker than the upper part. The grey tones are the mixture of light and shadow in the individual. The fact that the lower part is darker than the upper part represents that the shadow is more intense in the unconscious than in the conscious mind. The title The Difficult Crossing indicates that the question approached in the painting is the search for the meaning of life, i.e. the realization of choice. That is why the mannequin is alone, as the choice is free. The individual is born, lives and dies in society. In the masses, the individual is a member and a gear, contributing to society and receiving payment for one’s work in order to survive. The individual is forced to sacrifice parts of oneself, because the social order requires a consensual conformity of its members so that there is the optimal functioning of society. There would be no civilization without the consensual conformity. But that refers to the individual’s explicit levels as a member of society, and the problem is when one forgets one’s implicit levels. It is the malaise of civilization, considered the neurosis of Modernity and Postmodernity by Psychology. It is the conflict between the social individual and the Individual, which imprisons the masses in their empty lives. The individual holds oneself so much to the social individual that one loses contact with the Individual, becoming just another alienated gear. The individual forgets oneself and becomes a “hollow man” or a “hollow woman”. However, there is much more to life than the social individual. The difficult crossing in the painting is the beginning of the individual’s battle to remember oneself and reconnect with the Individual. It is the process that Jung called individuation, and which refers to the individual as a human being, i.e. detached from one’s position as a member and a gear of society. It is the relationship between the individual and the Individual or the Cosmos or the Creator. The individual has to cross the difficulties of oneself and life to find the Self, which involves risks and sacrifices. The individual has to die without dying several times, so that he or she is born again as singular individual. (…) The Difficult Crossings II March 2013 The essay presents the author’s interpretation of the surrealist painting studied. The text is the sequel of the essay The Difficult Crossings I. The paintings studied in the essays form a set in the work of René Magritte. The paintings’ images and the reading of the first essay are necessary to understand the text. The author refers in the essay to the painting The Difficult Crossing using the letters “DC” and to the painting The Birth of the Idol as “painting”. Work: The Birth of the Idol, René Magritte, 1926. The painting has in the foreground a white mannequin with a right arm positioned to the left and backwards. The mannequin is supported on a white wooden man. The wooden man is lying on a white square table. The wooden man makes a right angle with the mannequin, pointing to the front with the body. The mannequin is in a regular house without ceiling and walls. The floor and a short wall to the left with front stairs are in salmon color. There is a square dark mirror and a wooden, yellowed dirty frame supported on the short wall. The house crosses a storm in the rough sea. The title indicates that the phenomenon in the painting is the birth of the idol. The mannequin is the human being as an individual and the protagonist of the difficult crossings. In the DC, one has one eye that gazes at the rough sea and observes the hand holding the pigeon while realizing the choice. In the painting, the crossing is happening and the eye is not visible. The crossing began by the individual’s choice or for one having been thrown into the storm, regardless of the anchors that one had used to avoid the challenge. Thus, the individual has to conquer the storm or sink along with the house. The eye being not visible does not mean its absence. The paintings form a set, and the mannequin is the same. The eye is hidden because of the mannequin’s position, indicating that the individual is facing the storm. That is very important. The eye’s position is the individual’s attitude in relation to the challenge. Looking sideways, trying to repress, rationalize, deny, transfer and escape from the storm, does not help. Looking down, ceding to fear and anguish, is undermining one’s own forces. Looking Up helps those who believe in the Individual, as it brings hope and comfort. That helps for a few moments though, because who has to conquer the storm is the individual. There is one detail in relation to the mannequin’s position in the paintings. It faces both frontally and in side perspective. That was an adaptation realized by the painter due to the two-dimensional limitations of the work’s medium. The side perspective was the solution to evidently represent on canvas the mannequin’s multiple perspectives and the mixture of light and shadow in the individual. In the DC, the eye gazes at the rough sea at the same time that it observes the hand holding the pigeon. In the painting, the mannequin faces the rough sea at the same time that it scrutinizes the mirror. The shadow, the right arm, the ring and nail would be less evident if the mannequin was in frontal perspective only. The multiple perspectives represent the uncertainty and nebulousness in the individual and one’s life. The individual does not know clearly whether the vision of reality and the choices and actions that one realizes based on it are totally right or wrong. Faith is one of the few lights that can illuminate the uncertainty and nebulousness, making, in some adaptive and incomprehensible way, the individual’s perspectives a creative path that leads to victory. But for that, the individual has to believe truly and by own choice in the Individual and victory, even when victory seems very difficult. In this way, the individual has to use all one’s forces to conquer the crossing. The individual has to face the storm. (…) About the Author Eduardo Sardão is a Brazilian writer of Spirituality. His mind is able to fly through the Universal Mind and bring original works from there. The works are flights of consciousness. The purpose of the works is to expand the horizons of Humanity. Good Flights Full work available on Amazon and other ebook stores. Links https://facebook/eduardosardao amazon/The-Difficult-Crossings-ebook/dp/B00EFZUAT2/ amazon/Travessias-Difíceis-Portuguese-Edition-ebook/dp/B00EG01O32/ https://smashwords/books/view/345947 https://smashwords/books/view/345967
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 19:51:07 +0000

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