The Dire Wolves players quickly sat down and worked out how they - TopicsExpress


The Dire Wolves players quickly sat down and worked out how they could give back to such a fantastic community after we were shown such love over a very important weekend for us. The team decided we could impart our opinion on the strongest champions for YOU GUYS to take to the Rift in order to dominate your solo queue games! Without further ado… Magzilla, on Top: Ryze, Rumble, Irelia: All of these champions fit well in the island-like-state of top lane, where youre often forced to 1v1 your opponent without jungle intervention. They all have considerably strong match ups in a 1v1 and scale well into the late game, where youll prove to be a strong, fighting force for your team. Rippii, on Jungle: Lee Sin, KhaZix, Elise: The current jungle meta rewards early aggression and the possibility of early ganks, in which these three excel. Theyre all very resourceful in the early levels, with varied forms of CC and high damage output. If youre able to get some early ganks off, you can carry your lanes to victory. Sharp, on Mid: Zed, Fizz, Syndra: With the nerfs to popular utility mid laners and their item builds, the assassin meta is slowly creeping back into relevance. In solo queue, if youre able to outclass your opponent on any of these champions, you can be sure youll snowball out of control. As well as this, theyre also very capable of 100-0ing close to any enemy champion, perfect for killing the fed enemy ADC! ChuffeR, on ADC: Lucian, Corki, Caitlyn: All of these champions are quite capable of bullying early game, during lane phase. Playing with controlled aggression in solo queue can net you considerable advantages and will help establish lane dominance. With high-damage spells and good trading abilities, these three are all very adept at punishing your oppositions miss-positioning. Charlie, on Support: Janna, Nami, Thresh: Lastly, supports within the current meta is all about the argument of who can bring the most utility to the team. The aforementioned three are all extremely potent in solo queue, capable of catching out enemies and protecting allies during team fights. On top of this, they all can provide very strong lane presence and are able to help your ADC farm safely and hopefully out-trade your opponents. We hope you guys found this helpful and best of luck!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 07:13:26 +0000

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