The Dirt. So old Jack climbs into the excavator, turns his hearing - TopicsExpress


The Dirt. So old Jack climbs into the excavator, turns his hearing aids off, and the camera crew runs for their lives. And they cant understand how somebody with all his experience with big equipment can be such bad operator. Could it be he really doesnt have all the experience they think he has? Anybody who does would not be so non safety conscious. I remember in season one, experienced people were commenting they were convinced he was going to kill somebody with the 400. Where would Jack have gotten experience from. No excavators needed to run slumlord motels for 20 years. I believe the 400 came from the airport where they dug sewer lines with it occasionally, thats the total of Jacks experience. Kinda tough to hear somebody screaming in pain when your hearing aids are off, though. The big lie continues. Christo says he knows Todd spent time on the phone talking his crew into coming to Canada, when we know for a fact they all came up together in the convoy in Ap. They were spotted and recorded on film. But these lies are an integral part of the story line, theyre an important part of Todds redemption. He has to be portrayed as completely down and out and friendless, to rise from the ashes and be the hero. The viewers cant know its all a bunch of flim flam hooey. Anybody notice Todd reads the questions on the screen on about a 4th grade level? Hes almost sounding out the words, like he rode the short blue bus to school with the special kids. He got kicked out of 6 colleges for bad grades, I wonder why. Is it hilarious that when Christo was a kid, his nickname was Crisco? I thought we dreamed it up here. Im recording the show and will write about it tomorrow.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 02:02:09 +0000

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