The Dismissed Phenomenon of Christianization and - TopicsExpress


The Dismissed Phenomenon of Christianization and Zionism. Please, read, like and share. Dear all, peace be with the peacemakers. Today I am going to highlight the subject, the dismissed subject actually, of this broad Phenomenon of Christianization and Zionism. There are hundreds of Christian Missionary organizations which are dedicated to Christianize the Muslim world. Many of them were caught up using unethical utilities to snaffle ignorant people. So for instance, they use money to grab poor Muslims of small villages. They use the temptation of attractive women to entice young and unmarried Muslim men. They use dainty toies and candies to appeal Muslim children, and even to incite hatred in their hearts against their own religion. So for instance, they may give the child a really nice doll or toy. They tell him; Jesus brought this nice gift to you. After the child becomes quite indulged to that toy, they suddenly take it away from him. He crys out for the toy. They then say to him; “The naughty man Muhammad took it”. One of their scandalous and unethical utilities as well, is the radical usage of identity distortion. What do I specifically mean by identity distortion? Well basicly, I mean that they utilize the justification of Christianization to gain political interests. How they do that? Well, it usually starts with some group of wicked swindlers, such as Ali Sina, Nonie Darwish, and Walid Shoebat. These people have betrayed not just their Muslim faith, but even their Arabic identity. Everyone has the right to believe in any religion. But the problem becomes obvious when the religious beliefs are being trespassed to promote for a political entity. What the Christianization has to do with the support to the State of Israel? Nonie Darwish is the cofounder of an organization called (Arabs for Israel). You can easily check that up. Now, why Arabs for Israel in particular? What is the sentimental statement here? Why Christian Arabs are committed to politically intonate for the Apartheid State of Israel? It will be tremendously preposterous to not comprehend until this moment. Christian Missionaries are excessively exerting their efforts to destroy the general Muslim identity. They do that methodically but not secretly. Muslim parents have to be quite aware about that. We do not nourish the hearts of our children with hate incitement to Christians. But at the same time, we must look after them religiously. It is okay and absolutely permissible for a Muslim child to friend children of other faiths. But it will be quite dangerous, if we did not train his religious immunity to skillfully refute any prejudicial thoughts brought to him by mostly Christian missionaries. Christian Missionaries are thoroughly trained to evoke theological suspicions in the Muslim mind. Thus, it is a vital necessaty to adequately immune the Muslim knowledge with sufficient religious information, so he is not to be religiously susceptible to the threat of identity distortion. It is quite dangerous. If you do not consider that a clear threat, you better get up and smell the coffee. So what should we do to protect the Muslim identity? It is extremely important from its inception to occupy the Muslim child with Islamic culture. He should know about the pillars of Islam. He should memorize short passages of the Noble Koran. He should learn the stories of the prophets, and so on. If you live in a western country with your family, the responsibility escalates to the double to carefully take care of your children. You have to improve your consciousness about the constant threat that surrounds your child in a western environment. I do not discourage the Muslim presence anywhere in the world. Conditionally, to eligibly possess the fundamental precepts of guarding your faith and consequently, you should know how to protect your children from the threat of identity distortion whilst not isolating them. You can startup with basic information, educate your children and keep it fun at the same time. Please visit educativecartoons. The site contains multiple educational materials which meets the Muslim child needs. Forward this message to others, post it on your Facebook wall for the mass benefit. Well, that is what I have got for the time being. Stay safe and peace be with the peacemakers.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 16:18:42 +0000

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