The Divine Plan, page 10 The realist conception Look to - TopicsExpress


The Divine Plan, page 10 The realist conception Look to high Andrew Carnegie -recomienda young employees who want to succeed. He adds: I would not give a penny of that is not considered dependent and associated with the head of any major establishment. Do not be content even for a moment with the idea that you are the chief clerk of the house, foreman or general fan of any business, however important it may be. Everyone should say: My place is at the top. Be sovereign in your dreams. Do vote expected this situation while maintaining a spotless reputation, and not do any other vote that may distract your attention. Indeed the combined overall life plan, everyone should look summits; therefore essential to achieve the highest possible place. But this does not imply a sense of adequacy or the wanderings of the imagination that is delivered sterile chimera, who prowl like surrendering both contemplative, eager to get away from reality. Look at the top, but at the same time, realize the skills that you will need to collect to get on to make such aspirations. Determinaos to acquire the necessary skills and get in the right conditions existed. Every man may do many things that makes otherwise likely would restrict their dream future that prepares its present state. Stimulated continuously by a noble ambition, effort, work, and resistance to solvents temptations are carried out with the help of a powerful comforting. Learn to combine mental objectification of greater triumphs with precise positivism in the domain of facts, it is one of the safest qualities advantageously may possess to determine the destination. It is necessary, a wise proverb says, Walk the eye positions in the sky and your feet on the ground; ie you must never lose sight of the realities full in the course of our actions, but guide us to the peaks in these omenta meditation as usefully have action. Ambition is not necessarily immoderate desire for wealth or honors; a medical student, in love with his profession, is taken as the most eminent of his teachers; craftsman will keep your thoughts in the desire to produce perfectly and quickly without equal; the young clerk in a house c0omercio be taken as such or such an expert in the field and feed the desire to know, in minutest detail, all the things that relate to such matters, etc. In all areas are the same principle applied. Certain people, unhealthy or deplore any failure, we first have to do is overcome the obstacle of such a state. Soon they will have conquered the city lacked psychic equilibrium. One of the greatest sources of satisfaction that man can have is to have a higher current measured either in his profession competition if some exercises or at any other activity of your choice, if fortune is favorable. However, only one application prolonged space full years and give you the knowledge necessary to reach mastery possess any art background. Even in the humblest of their professions, when she manages to stand out, a kind of sovereignty is acquired independently of material gain to report. All individuals who have met in certain social level, the respective professional capacities in excess of current limits, they were swollen with optimism and confidence. What could be more desirable that security, that value, that deep science that allows a maximum of social utility, which ensures consideration was itself attracts a select circle of people and try, usually, in addition, a large and easy life ? If some great inventors die in misery because it is lacking one of the elements required to assert: generally, the sense of reality in the business world. Often, any factory boss, earn ten times more than a scholar of the first order: the value of one has adapted a utility plan, while the other, absorbed by their ideals, has declined to such adaptation. But not the latter has ceased to enjoy the satisfactions of morality are inseparable in a highly competitive nature. When It looks high, much care not to omit any detail; and the inventor of that talk should aspire not only his own discovery or invention, but also the qualities or conditions of struggle and personal influence through which disseminate the results of their research. From every point of view, the psychic culture and personality development appear, as shown as means and indispensable complement to all other education. There are hundreds of graduates in science vegetate uselessly; knowledge appear unused; science who patiently acquired extinguished with them, without giving them the slightest compensation provided; for the simple reason that they lack that strength of character that opens all doors, hard indifference of foreign competition and decides to get the equivalent of what gives. We are inclined to sympathy, and even with respect to those victims of their own lack of will, and cite as an example to show the reader that the intrinsic value itself is obliged to acquire the qualities that enhance the merit and after you conquer noble fight place to which you are entitled.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:11:36 +0000

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